
BuffyGuide.com The Complete Buffy Episode Guide |
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- Episode List The entry to the Episode Guide. This list includes brief descriptions.
- Description-Free Episode List An alternate entry to the Guide, without descriptions of the episodes. You will find the link to this page at the very top of the regular Episode List (in the "Warning" box), as well as on the left hand side of that page (in "Related Links").
- Upcoming
- Upcoming Episodes A schedule of upcoming episodes, including reruns. Includes brief descriptions in hidden text, so that those who don't want spoilers can still view the schedule. You simply use your cursor to highlight the white area if you want to read it, like this: hidden episode descriptions would appear here.See? :-)
- Weekly TV Appearances Actor appearances which occur every week.
- Upcoming Movies A listing of movies featuring Buffy actors which are either in theaters now, coming soon, or in development.
- News Bytes Keep track of important or interesting Buffy news.
- Merchandise
- Videos All U.S. and UK BtVS and Angel videos and DVDs are included here.
- Posters Buffy and Angel posters and 8 x 10 photos.
- Books Buffy and Angel books, and other related books.
- Music Info on the Buffy soundtracks, music heard on the show, and music by the cast.
- Movies Organized by actor, this section includes a description, image, and link to purchase movies featuring actors with major Buffyroles.
- BuffyGuide Online Store Our online store, offering items with various BuffyGuide logos and designs. Included t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, bags, and much more.
- The Players Cast, character, and crew information.
- Cast / Character Info A choice of characters for whom you can find character bios, actor bios, the episodes they've been in, links to sites dedicated to them, and image galleries.
- Complete Actor List A complete list of every actor who's been credited in Buffy, along with what episodes they've been in and who they played.
- Complete Writer List A complete list of all of the writers and they episodes they've written.
- Complete Director List A complete list of all of the directors and they episodes they've directed.
- Images
- Cast Galleries A collection of image galleries, organized by actors. Includes photo galleries (promo shots, magazine scans, etc.) as well as screen caps from the actors' other appearances (such as SMG in Cruel Intentions, Eliza Dushku in Bye Bye, Love, etc.).
- Episode Galleries A collection of all of the episode image pages (for all episodes for which image pages exist). Your choice of thumbnails or full size images right on one page.
- Quotes A collection of quotes for every episode of Buffy.
- Link Database A directory of Buffy and Angel links, as well as some non-Buffyverse links. Browse around, search, or submit your own.
- Link to Us Directions on linking to BuffyGuide.com, as well as a variety of banners, buttons, and logos to use as graphical links.
- Email Sign up for a BuffyGuide email address!
- Forums A community of forums (a.k.a. message boards). Includes The Watcher's Diary for general discussion, Buffyverse FAQ forum with answers to common questions about the Buffyverse, a Fanfic Forum for reading and posting fanfic, Help Forums for help with the site and with the forums themselves, and a Test forum to test it all out.
- Extras
- Advertise on BuffyGuide.com Get ad rates and details on advertising on BuffyGuide.com (including advertising personal messages, such as a Happy Birthday message for a friend).
- Site Credits and Acknowledgements Credits and acknowledgements to people and sites who've been of great help to us.
- Joss' Comments on the Season 5 Finale If you've seen it, you'll know why this would be of interest. If you haven't, and don't want to be supremely spoiled, then don't read this.
- Joss' Comments on the Move to UPN Just in case you wondered what The Man Himself thought about the big move.
- Official Quotes on the Willow/Tara Storyline An archive (done in 2000) of some comments, mostly from Joss Whedon, regarding the Willow & Tara storyline. (Spoilers for Season 4. My pity if your country is that far behind.)
- Thematic Episode Lists The episodes grouped into lists of some of the story arcs that we've seen on Buffy.
- Production Credits The full list of production credits (producers, sound guys, and all the other people listed in the end credits).
- Awards Check out the awards we've won, and don't forget to check out the sites who gave them to us!
- We're Famous We've actually gotten a few mentions in the media; check 'em out here.
- Winning Song Lyrics We had a contest a while back in which the entrants wrote lyrics for a "new" Buffy theme song. The winning entries, as well as a few other enjoyable ones, are here.
- For Webmasters Info and resources for webmasters (of any sites, not just Buffy sites).
- FAQ A list of frequently asked questions, both about Buffy and about the site.
- Support How you can help support this site, either by donating or otherwise.
- About Information about the site, about the webmaster, and about the episode reviewers.
- Site Search Use the Site Search engine to search the contents of this site for what interests you.
- Mailing List Join or get info about our mailing list to be notified of site updates.
- Contact Please use the provided forms to contact the webmaster. (You cannot contact the cast or crew of Buffy this way. Check the FAQ for that.)