All screen captures in the galleries (i.e. from movies, tv appearances, etc.) were captured and optimized by me (Jamie Marie) for this site. Photo gallery images (i.e. promo shots, magazine scans, etc.) were either scanned and optimized by me, or were gathered from various sources on the net (see sites credited below), or in some cases emailed to me. Virtually all images have been modified/optimized by me, even those from outside sources.
Please don't steal bandwidth! If you'd like to use some of these images, do NOT direct link to them on this server. Instead, save them and upload them to your site. Please read this notice about bandwidth theft and image use before using any pictures from these galleries. If you do use any, it is expected that you give credit and a link click here for details. Thank you!
Credits Some images in these Photo Galleries are from An Angel's Soul - And You Thought YOU Were Obsessed with BtVS - Bentley's Bedlam - The Buffy Cross and Stake - Buffy Online - - City of Angel - Flights of Angel - Much Ado About Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Official Seth Green Homepage - SMGFAN.COM - - *Faith*, SlayerrrFan, and Jenna R.
Disclaimer All images are owned and © by their respective owners or photographers. I do not own these images or claim copyright on them. No copyright infringement is intended nor implied.