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Thematic Episode Lists |
You have a day off, and you decide you want to watch some Buffy. But which episodes should you watch? Well, how about tracing one particular running storyline through all the episodes in which it appears? Here are lists of some of Buffy's major running plotlines, and the episodes that make them up.
The Spike and Buffy Chronicles
The Willow and Tara Chronicles (Submitted by Andrew L.)
Glory and the Key
The Buffy and Riley Chronicles
The Xander and Anya Chronicles
Adam Takes Initiative
You Gotta Have Faith
The Mayor's Plan (Submitted by Adam Rosse)
The Ballad of Spike & Drusilla
The Oz and Willow Chronicles (Submitted by Alex Irving)
The Buffy and Angel Chronicles
Good Angel/Bad Angel
Xander's Lust and Love for Buffy
(Submitted by Duchess of Buffonia; inspired by her list of B/X Moments at Beloved by the Zeppo.)
The Mysterious Ms. Calendar
The Master's Plan