
BuffyGuide.com The Complete Buffy Episode Guide |
Beauty and the Beasts |
October 20, 1998 3ABB04 |
Synopsis |
There's been a brutal killing in the Sunnydale woods, and Oz-wolf is the prime suspect. Buffy, however, has just learned that her lover, Angel, is back from Hell in an animalistic state making Buffy fear that he's the killer. Both are in the clear when the gang figures out that the bad guy is a classmate's abusive boyfriend Pete. The gang and an escaped Oz-wolf head after Pete, who kills his girlfriend before anyone can find them. He then tries to kill Buffy, but a slightly more human Angel saves her by choking Pete to death. Short synopsis by Anthony C. Blade.
For the full, detailed synopsis, click here.
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Monstervision |
The most obvious inspiration here (and when we say obvious, we
mean blatantly obvious) is Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886
novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It's
theme of the division between man's rational side and his bestial
side (what Freud would call the ego and the id)
is not only given a rather up-front treatment in this episode,
but is also closely related to the themes of werewolf mythology.
The fast-head visuals of Pete's transformation from good guy
to bad guy are straight out of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead movies.
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Body Count |
- Jeff Walken
- Mauled in the woods by Pete.
- Mr. Platt
- Mauled in his office by Pete.
- Debbie
- Beaten to death by Pete in the high school boiler room.
- Pete
- Neck broken by Angel in the high school boiler room.
- Total: Four
Compiled by Eric B.
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Dialogue to Die For |
Buffy: "We having a marching jazz band?"
Oz: "Yeah, but, y'know, since the best jazz is improvisational, we'd be goin' off in all directions, bumpin' into floats... scary."
Willow: "He's just being Oz."
Oz: "Pretty much full time."
Mr. Platt: "Look, Buffy, any persongrown-up,
shrink... Popeany person who claims to be totally
sane is either lying or not very bright."
Xander, after being spooked by Cordelia: "We're
doin' crime here! You don't sneak up during crime!"
Giles: "Clearly, we're looking for a depraved, sadistic animal."
Oz: "Present. I may be a cold-blooded jelly doughnut, but my timing is impeccable."
Cordelia, after finding out the whole story about Pete:
"Great. Now I'm gonna be stuck with serious thoughts all day."
More quotes from this episode...
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Dialogue to Bury |
Buffy: "Wait! Don't turn around, okay? And don't
say anything. Just listen."
That has always been one of the lamest, most forced plot contrivances around.
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References |
- The episode is bracketed by quotes from The Call of the
Wild, the famous 1903 novel by Jack London (1876-1916).
- "It seems to soothe his savage beastie." Willow
has become the latest to misquote the famous line, "Music
hath charms to soothe the savage breast," from the first
scene of the play The Mourning Bride by William
Congreve (1670-1729).
- "No worries, I can handle the Oz Full Monty."
The term "the full Monty" is British slang for
"going all the way." But thanks to the popular 1997
British comedy film The Full Monty, which told the story
of a group of unemployed British steelworkers who concoct a plan
to earn money by stripping, it is now irrevocably associated
in the minds of the world with full frontal male nudity.
- "Every guy, from Manimal down to Mr. I-Love-The-English-Patient,
has beast in him." Manimal was a short-lived
1983 television series created by pop sci-fi king Glen Larson
(Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century,
Knight Rider) about a man (played by Simon MacCorkindale)
with the mystical ability to turn himself into just about any
animal. The English Patient is the female-friendly Anthony
Minghella film which won the 1996 Academy Award® for Best
- At the morgue, Willow has a Scooby-Doo lunchbox, which
is not only a reference to the classic mystery cartoon series,
but very likely also a reference to the scene in "What's
My Line, Part 1" in which Xander referred to the Slayer
and her friends as "the Scooby gang."
- "Three-dimensional, Sensurround, the hills are alive..."
A reference to The Sound of Music. See Notes.
- "So while you two live out your grim fairy tale, two
people are dead." This is a pun referring to the Brothers
Grimm. In 1815, Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm (1785-1863) and his younger
brother Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859) published a collection
of famous German folk tales called Grimm's Fairy Tales,
many of which (like "Cinderella", "Rumpelstiltskin",
"Rapunzel" and "Hansel and Gretel") are among
the most famous fairy tales ever. (For more on Hansel and Gretel
see "Gingerbread".)
- "Mr. Science was doing a Jekyll/Hyde deal." A
reference to Robert Louis Stevenson's novel. See Monstervision.
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Goofs and Gaffes |
- During his fight with Pete, Oz just shifts into werewolf
form. What happened to the throes that Oz went through in the
process of turning into a werewolf in "Phases"?
Does changing into a werewolf become easier or less painful with
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Notes |
- Mr. Platt's smoking reinforces the show's clear bias against
smoking, as every character in the show who has smoked has been
either evil (Spike and the evil Angel), doomed (Laura in "Nightmares" and the woman who
was Angel's first kill after re-losing his soul) or both (Sheila
in "School Hard").
- Two more of Giles books are named here: Exploring Demon
Dimensions and Mystery of Acathla.
- Buffy starts to quote the famous line from The Sound of
Music, but her voice trails off. The obvious implication
is that she remembers that Ms. Calendar once said that to Giles
("The Dark Age") and the reminder
would be too painful. But that conclusion is not definite, especially
since we don't think Buffy actually heard Ms. Calendar
say that to Giles.
- When Giles remarks that time moves differently in the demon
dimension, Buffy says, "I remember." That may imply that
the netherworld into which she and Lily fell in "Anne"
is the same demon dimension into which Angel was sucked in "Becoming, Part 2", or at least that they have the "time moves differently" thing in common.
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Comments |
- A tad heavy-handed in the Serious Message
department (abusive relationships bad), but good performances
and some great dramatic intensity made this episode work for
me. It was terrific to see Oz getting a chance to do more than
just be Laid-Back Cryptic Boy (but boo-hiss for the new "hairy
footy-pajamas" costume), and the morgue scene proved that
Willow, Xander and Cordelia work beautifully as a comic threesome.
I hope to see more of that good stuff in the future. Yeah, the
plot was forced to jump through a few awkward hoops here and
there (the "Don't turn around, don't say anything"
scene leaps to mind, and I'm really wondering what part of Angel's
feral, animalistic mind made him find pants), and that coupled
with the aforementioned Message made this episode seem a bit
contrived at times, by which I mean that for the first time I
can remember I felt like these characters and their world were
being used to beat me over the head with a moral. So demerits
for that. On the other hand, Buffy's embryonic relationship with
Scott Hope is sweet and enjoyable, and with the re-introduction
of Angel that storyline has the potential to score big time.
As for Angel's return, well... I can't really say much about
it at this point. SMG had some terrific facial visuals going
there, and I'm not yet disappointed with anything in this storyline.
But Angel's sudden re-humanization at the end had better come
with a damn good explanation, or I'm gonna feel kinda cheated.
We wouldn't want that, now would we? (8/10)
- Oh my... we have monsters aplenty.
I was wondering when we would be getting another Oz episode.
I'm not sure which werewolf costume I like better, but the episode
was very cool. Pete made a rather interesting creature, even
though he reminded me of Freddy Krueger without the knives. The
fight scenes were very cool, and everyone seemed to be their
witty selves. Faith was present in the episode, which was neat
but not completely necessary (yeah, I know, she's a Slayer so
she's going to be around for a while). On the big topic of the
evening: Angel. Initially I really liked the animal-like, WCW
Wrestling, gee-I-can't-talk Angel... and then he spoke. I don't
buy it. It seems like he has a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on
(in keeping with the theme of the episode), but I find it to
be a bit ridiculous. Giles described two ways Angel could be
if he came back, and we saw two different Angels in this episode.
I don't find the contrast in his behaviors to be completely believable.
I know that we will eventually get answers, but I would have
liked to see Animal Angel for a few episodes before he regained
his ability to speak. I did like the episode a lot, but writers
are being rather elusive with the Angel theme, and I find it
a bit irritating. In my opinion, this episode was a step up from
the previous offerings, and I can't wait to see what happens
next. (8/10)
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Nielsens |
Air Date |
Rating |
Ranking |
October 20, 1998 |
4.3 |
94 of 131 |
March 9, 1999 |
3.3 |
95 of 130 |
July 6, 1999 |
2.3 |
99 of 129 |
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