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Join Comixology Unlimited to read BtVS comics — The Complete Buffy Episode Guide
The Witch

Amy: Oh, how I hate this, let me count the ways.

Buffy: Hmm, that much quality time with my mom would probably lead to some quality matricide.

Giles: But that's the thrill of living on the Hellmouth! There's a veritable cornucopia of, of fiends and devils and, and ghouls to engage. Pardon me for finding the glass half full.

Willow: Yeah! You're the Slayer, and we're, like, the Slayerettes!

Xander: I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away.

Xander: For I am Xander, King of Cretins. May all lesser cretins bow before me.

Buffy: Mom, I've accepted that you've had sex. I am not ready to know that you had Farrah hair.
Joyce: This is Gidget hair. Don't they teach you anything in history?

Xander: First vampires, now witches. No wonder you can still afford a house in Sunnydale.

Giles: Why should someone want to harm Cordelia?
Willow: Maybe because they met her? Did I say that?

Buffy: Hmm, I know you don't, that's 'cause you're my friend. You're my Xander-shaped friend!

Amy: I'm just happy to have my body back. I'm thinking of getting fat.
Buffy: Y'know, I hear that look's in for spring.

Quotes courtesy of Laugh Lines, Love Lines.


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