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Oct. 2005

New BtVS DVD Box Set - The Chosen Collection
Oct. 2, 2005 2:20 AM PDT

The Chosen CollectionTHE CHOSEN COLLECTION — FYI: A new DVD box set is being released containing all seven seasons of Buffy, plus some new extras. The Chosen Collection, due out on November 15, 2005, will be presented in fancy new packaging (see image). As far as the season DVDs go, these are the same DVDs that have previously been released in individual season sets (same extras, same commentaries, same transfer). However, the set will include an additional disc containing new extra features, a booklet filled with episode listings and Buffy quotes, and a letter from Joss Whedon. The letter, booklet, and bonus disc won't be available anywhere else.

Amazon currently has it priced (and available for preorder) at $129.99 - so if you don't yet have the existing BtVS DVDs, this is a steal! [Note: That is the price as of Oct. 2, 2005; it will fluctuate over time. Check your favorite retailer for current price.] If you do have some or all of the existing sets, and you want this new one, I suggest selling your old sets on eBay.-

p.s. Serenity is fantastic! (That's Joss Whedon's movie based on his short-lived series Firefly, if you weren't aware.) Run out and see it!

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