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BTVS-Tabula Rasa
- It's.All.About.Spike. As one of the most complexly written and deftly portrayed characters on television, Spike's journey fascinates us. Spike tells us he's changing and we believe him. We support who he is and what he may become. He has an important role to play in the Buffyverse and in Buffy's life. We think that Buffy and Spike share a love that's gloriously messy and real. A place for redemptionists and redemptionistas.
ID: 1968 URL: http://www.btvs-tabularasa.net/
Hits: 6364 Rating: 9.38 Votes: 8 Added: Jan 31, 2002
Marsters Multimedia
- This website is dedicated to Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, who is played by James Marsters. It is designed in honour of his brilliant acting, guitar playing, singing (and lest we forget his style). Here, you will find an archive of his best photographs/pics/caps/scans, all with thumbnail views, in the photo gallery. You will find streaming/real video/real audio/windows media player video files of him playing the guitar and singing, as well as clips from past Buffy episodes. Also, there is a brief biography stating facts such as his date of birth and his appearances/filmography/discography. Lastly, you can find links to other James Marsters websites all over the Internet. I hope you enjoy your visit and tell others about the site.
ID: 3140 URL: http://yournextclient.com/marstersmultimedia/
Hits: 4120 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Jun 08, 2003
Mmmm...James-Related Goodness
- Large gallery, biography, filmography, Ghost of the Robot, and much more!
ID: 3094 URL: http://www.geocities.com/spike_obsessed/
Hits: 2586 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 3 Added: May 13, 2003
Official James Marsters Website, The
- Official site, including autographed photos for sale in addition to biography, photos, FAQ and other content.
ID: 154 URL: http://www.jamesmarsters.com
Hits: 3502 Rating: 7.00 Votes: 5 Added: Aug 24, 2000
Purely James Marsters
- A fansite entirely dedicated to the actor.
ID: 2110 URL: http://lost-illusions.net/pjm/
Hits: 1974 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Apr 05, 2002
Shrine of Spike
- Serving peroxide addicts since 1998.
ID: 429 URL: http://come.to/spikey
Hits: 2039 Rating: 7.00 Votes: 1 Added: Sep 24, 2000
Soulful Spike Society, The
- An offbeat, erudite, funny collection of discussions, analytical essays, fanfic/poetry, Weetabix factoids, and overall thoughtful silliness dedicated to the only BLEACHED BLOND vampire with a soul. Includes officers and extras of the Van Helsing Institute for the Study of Nosferology.
ID: 3040 URL: http://www.soulfulspike.com/
Hits: 1977 Rating: 8.20 Votes: 229 Added: Apr 03, 2003
Spike Girls
- The few. The proud. The insane. The Spike Girls.
ID: 1888 URL: http://www.geocities.com/spikegirls2002/
Hits: 1644 Rating: 5.00 Votes: 3 Added: Jan 07, 2002
Spike Online
- Spike/James Marsters fansite with media, info, guitar tabs, downloads, polls, etc.
ID: 2921 URL: http://www.homepagez.com/spikeonline/
Hits: 1773 Rating: 8.08 Votes: 92 Added: Mar 09, 2003
Spike the Sexy Vampire
- A site dedicated to James Marsters who plays Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With photos, postwards, wallpapers, chatroom, message board, info and much much more!
ID: 2317 URL: http://www.james-marsters.cjb.net
Hits: 2096 Rating: 9.67 Votes: 3 Added: Jun 16, 2002
Spike's Chip
- A James Marsters/Spike fan site with quotes, information, interviews, artwork, images, his music and lots more.
ID: 2490 URL: http://www.javascrypt.com/spikeschip/
Hits: 1831 Rating: 9.66 Votes: 9 Added: Aug 14, 2002
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