Kathy: I just wanted to make sure that we didn't have a thief or something. Buffy: Kathy's nice and all, but she's sort of, I don't know, like, Mini-Mom of Momdonia.
Buffy: Wait. Did you just hear something?
Buffy: And what are we if not women up to a challenge? Buffy: Wish me monsters. Buffy: Alright. Why don't you quit hiding and come out and face me like a ... thing. Kathy: What the blizzard was that all about? Buffy: Demon. Last night. Made with the pummeling, but he got away.
Buffy: Um, he had a cloak on, glowy green eyes, and his skin had that, like, that super bad fake rub-on tan.
Giles: You took your roommate patrolling with you? Buffy: I know, it's probably just me having a bitch attack. But it's not ... me.
Parker: Ex-boyfriend or loan shark? Buffy: Not that I mind, but don't non-college guys usually populate the non-campus?
Kathy: Eww! Who left their gum here? Willow: He's our grown-up friend. Not in a creepy way.
Kathy: Hmm. Sounds like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Buffy: Cool. You guys can do the brain thing. I'm gonna go to class. Willow: Ok, so that was the evil twin right? Cuz she was bordering on Cordelia-esque. Kathy: You're problem is, you're spoiled. Maybe the world revolved around you where you used to live, but it's share-time now! Oz: Well, I'm not saying we'll braid each other's hair. Probably, but, you know, I can hang with her, watch for signs she's going over the edge.
Buffy: So then she's like, 'It's share-time.' And I'm like, 'Oh yeah? Share this!' (Buffy punches the air a few times.)
Buffy: She's the Titanic! She's a crawling black cancer! (Buffy kicks out and breaks a nearby bench.) She's ... other really bad things! Buffy: Kathy's evil. I'm an evil fighter. It's simple. I'm gonna have to kill her.
Willow: Toenails? Willow: Giles. I just talked to Buffy and, yeah, I think she's feeling a little crazy. No, not bitchy crazy, more like homicidal maniac crazy. So I told her to come see you, kay? Buffy: She irons her jeans. She's evil. Xander: Why couldn't Giles have shackles like any self-respecting bachelor?
Kathy's Demon Parent: [In demon language] Don't take that tone with me. |