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Join Comixology Unlimited to read BtVS comics — The Complete Buffy Episode Guide
The Dark Age

Xander: Giles lived for school. He's actually still bitter that there are only twelve grades.

Giles: Um, a medical transport is delivering the monthly supply of blood to the hospital.
Buffy: Mm. Vampire Meals-On-Wheels

Jenny: Did anyone ever tell you you're kind of a fuddy-duddy?
Giles: Nobody ever seems to tell me anything else.
Jenny: Did anyone ever tell you you're kind of a sexy fuddy-duddy?
Giles: Well, no. Actually that, that part usually gets left out.

Buffy: How did you know about this?
Angel: It's delivery day. Everybody knows about this.

Angel: Maybe he's late.
Buffy: Giles? Who counts tardiness as, like, the eighth deadly sin?

Xander: Yep, yep, I knew this would happen. Nobody can be wound as straight and narrow as Giles without a dark side erupting. My Uncle Roary was the stodgiest taxidermist you've ever met by day. By night, it was booze, whores, and fur flying. Were there whores?

Buffy: Xander, how do you feel about digging through some of Giles' personal files and seeing what you can find?
Xander: I feel pretty good about it. Does that make me a sociopath? Nah.

Xander: That's it! Twelve years of you and I'm snappin'! I don't care if you're a girl or not, I'm throwin' down! Come on!
Cordelia: I've seen you fight. And don't think I can't take you!
Xander: Give it your best shot.

Willow: HEY! We don't have time for this! Our friends are in trouble! Now, we have to put our heads together and, and get them out of it! And if you two aren't with me a hundred and ten percent, then get the hell out of my library!
Cordelia: We're sorry.
Xander: We'll be good.

Buffy: You knew that if the demon was in trouble it was gonna jump into the nearest dead person.
Angel: I put it in danger.
Willow: And it jumped.
Angel: I've had a demon inside me for a couple hundred years... just waitin' for a good fight.
Buffy: Winner and still champion.

Quotes courtesy of Laugh Lines, Love Lines.


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