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Post by zandersmom »

I'm a little surprised that I've not heard anyone mention this series or the movie soon to be released. I have actually been reading a little here lately (& not just comics either...real, ACTUAL books without pictures! *gasp!*) & thought about reading this series, as I am a hopeless romantic. Rather, I seem to love hopeless romances, as must we all, being Joss Whedon fans. We all know he totally gets off on torturing us.

Have you read the Twilight series?

If so, what do you think?

Why all the haters?

Eeep! Cedric Diggory is a vampire!!! [drool]

Re: Twilight?

Post by JupiterAmy »

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Re: Twilight?

Post by zandersmom »

What does "dot dot dot" mean?
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Re: Twilight?

Post by Sam_Spade »

zandersmom wrote:What does "dot dot dot" mean?

Morse code?

I have never heard of "Twilght" before, but after having a quick squint at it on the IMDb, i will keep an eye open for it, gotta love a vamp flick. :mrgreen:
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

Sam Spade to Joel Cairo ~ The Maltese Falcon.

Re: Twilight?

Post by JupiterAmy »

Okay, I'll level with you. I know more about Twilight than any sane or normal person has any right to. If there's anything that you really want to know, I can tell you. I can tell you all.

Not because it's good.

Twilight, and the subsequent sequels, are the worst pieces of published fiction I have ever read. They offend me on a variety of levels: as a reader, as a woman, as a native speaker of English. And yet, I've read them. All four published works and the unreleased draft of a fifth. This is because the one redeeming thing about them is that they can be gleefully ripped apart. And I feel the urge to do this, not only in response to the low quality of the books themselves, but to strive against the masses who for some reason think they are great literature. It's ... literary crack, basically. You know you shouldn't, but you can't stop.

If you haven't picked up these books yet, my advice is to back away slowly and then run as fast as you can.
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Re: Twilight?

Post by starshine »

I'm in "I liked it" camp. No, it's not the best writing ever but I have found them ENTERTAINING, which is pretty much what I look for in a book (or books). I'm looking forward to the movie. I vote that you at least give them a try.
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Re: Twilight?

Post by Cazzle »

JupiterAmy wrote:...

When I read the title my first thought was "Hmm, I wonder if Amy's seen this yet?"
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Re: Twilight?

Post by Ghost »

I had never heard about them until I saw a preview for the movie. After that, I can't get away from it. Barnes and Noble has the books prominently displayed, they have candy bars with the name and logo on them, Costco sells the books, but keeps running out of the latest one, so all the grown women are complaining about it. People keep making posts about them on the temporary WD. Goblins break into my apartment at night, wake me up, and force me to listen to snippets from the book, only they read them backwards. Stupid goblins.
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Location: Lost Angels

Re: Twilight?

Post by BigEvil »

*Eagerly awaits the Vampire Renaissance and the wardrobe possibilities it will usher in*

Re: Twilight?

Post by JupiterAmy »

BigEvil wrote:*Eagerly awaits the Vampire Renaissance and the wardrobe possibilities it will usher in*
Rich, I feel honor-bound to inform you that in Twilight, vampires can't go in the sun because when they do, they sparkle like diamonds.

No, seriously. Literally. Sparkle. Like a Lisa Frank poster mated with a disco ball.

I understand if this sets your expectations back a bit.
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