Posts you remember for no good reason

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Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by talula »

Sometimes, out of nowhere, I start to think of a post someone made once long ago questioning how long people leave their drinking glasses out and still consider them good to use; do you throw the contents away in a specified time limit? If you leave the room? If you leave the house?, and so on.

I have no idea why I remember this post, nothing especially exciting happened in it, and sometimes I don't remember people that say hi to me on the street and swear I went to school with them for years and years. But for some reason I remember this post.

Any random things or posts or replies or instances you recall for no reason?

Also, just a sidenote; pregnancy is not the joyful madcap adventure I was led to believe it was. Constant heartburn + constant back pain + no sleep = cranky me. Is the baby done cooking yet?
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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by MenleyNin »

One of my favorites was a Testing post that (I think) Bally started wherein he took words and broke them down into pictures. I'm not explaining this well, but I remember there was a picture of Odo from ST:DS9 and that the whole concept cracked me up.
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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by Lucretia »

I just spent the best part of a weekend looking at the archives, so I remember most of them! I'd love to read the one I wrote after I split up with Ed called "I can't breathe" - you'll note I still had the presence of mind to name it after a Buffy quote. Valerie gave me her cell phone number in that thread.

But that wasn't your question was it?

There was one about firmen and pie in testing ....... no really there was! It was awesome.

My friend Cat is pregnant right now and had a rubbish time up until ..... oh ........ she's 24 weeks or so now? She's positively glowing, and eating loads and loads of fruit.
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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by Sam_Spade »

The best posts ever were in Bally's Film Titles That Sorta Include A WD'ers Name.....

Though he had a snappier title for it. :roll:

"Great Bally's of Fire"

That sort of thing.

Genius. :mrgreen:
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by Techboy »

Well, for selfish reasons, the WD Match Game

For other reaason, P@'s rules for BOQ's. I still laugh thinking of some of them. Much like the rules for using you credentials as a "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" contributor for payment.

OH! HOW COULD I FORGET? The Lord of the Drinks. That was some of the funniest stuff I've ever read.


Edited: Added the Lord of the Drinks tidbit -Techboy
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums

Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by Ravn »

Techboy wrote:For other reaason, P@'s rules for BOQ's.
Oh man I completely remember the Bunch-of-Question quizzes. Loved those! And those real-life SUPERCHARGE stories that Hyperonion (I believe) sometimes composed.
And for no particular reason, I also seem to recall a heated debate about which way the end of a roll of toilet paper should hang (although it's obviously over the top).
Lately I've also felt an urge to reread a looooooooong and incredibly awful story I once wrote for the members of this forum, but the Archives seem to be gone.
All that must've been at least seven years, three computers, 114 DVDs, 6 movie posters, two unhealthy relationships and an equally unhealthy WoW obsession, two bicycles, one high school education, two failed college educations, three jobs, two nieces and a nephew, three pairs of glasses and probably more contact lenses than I can think of, one hamster, a mountain of pizza and nineteen days ago.
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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by mayhem »

Ravn wrote:And those real-life SUPERCHARGE stories that Hyperonion (I believe) sometimes composed.
Hyperonion had way too much self-respect to write those.

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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by Podgy »

I've been nostalgic this week for the Secret Santas we did for a couple of years. Those were fantastic.
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Re: Posts you remember for no good reason

Post by costello_girl »

I think that was my post. :D

I didn't think it would be memorable, although I remember very clearly how some people replied to it. As a matter of fact, I had a half glass of water left over from breakfast, and I made a conscious decision to leave it next to my computer when we left the house to run errands. And I thought of that post, too!

I loved the WDer movie thread. I also remember the Song Lyrics: Genius! post started by Mayhem.

But my favourite will always be the race for President of the WD.
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