Well, it's over and Gandalf, don't look at this post.

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Re: Well, it's over and Gandalf, don't look at this post.

Post by Ghost »

It sounds like the person in that feminist group has an understanding of the psychology of war. Take racial discrimination as an example. It is very common among the military during times of war. The enemy is a gook, rag, jerry, etc., even though the service member beside you that is Vietnamese, Arabic, German, etc., is not. We ask the members of the military to do unthinkable things, to kill. Most sane people can't kill another human being. To solve this problem, the enemy is dehumanized. You aren't killing a person, you are killing something other than human. Of course, this leads to the problem of civil rights violations, like the Gitmo incident. I think that the use of rape as a weapon in the show was a realistic portrayal of what happens in war. That was their Gitmo.
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Re: Well, it's over and Gandalf, don't look at this post.

Post by Christine »

Uhm. What Julia and Amy said.

Yep. Exactly that.
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Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:54 pm

Re: Well, it's over and Gandalf, don't look at this post.

Post by talula »

Honestly, since the show began, I have been not listening to anything Gauis B. says. And the scenes with that Six model (she's the blonde in the dress, yes?) I also ignore, real ones or the imagined ones. When I was watching the first two seasons on DVD, I even fast forwarded through them. I've always hated them on the show. My fav person was always Roslin, because in the beginning, she used to ask people to do stuff, say "Thank you" and then leave the room before they had a chance to say anything. I loved that about her and always thought of that when I was afraid to say something I knew people wouldn't like. I didn't like what they did with her after the middle of this season when they saw Earth was all crazified. She couldn't say anything, hid out in her room to die? What?

The only other people I cared about were the nice young pilots; Kara, Lee, Sam, Helo, Athena, Boomer. I used to like Adama, mostly because the same as Roslin, he was strong, didn't take shit from people, then the whole last half of the season, he was all drunk and ready to die. Plus, he was so in love with Tigh, it was upsetting because I really didn't like him. Way before we knew he was a cylon. I was upset when we learned he was a cylon, because I knew he would get more screen time. And seriously, I'm fine with Kara dissapearing into thin air, because, you know, she wasn't a cylon, she had already died, so, fine. But it was so very ripped off of Cordelia. And at least Cordelia got to have a last kiss. And with Sam, god, I always hated those little people in the tubs. Number one, it's totally gross to be naked in water for that long. Just the thought icked me out. I was unhappy that Sam became a tub person.

I didn't really mind the whole "Get rid of technology" twist. I always had a feeling they would try to make this a past history thing, so we would all go 'oooooh, will all this happen again... just like it happened before?' I just didn't expect the point to be hammered into my skull. People keep talking about a God explanation. If Baltar was the one talking about that, I wasn't listening. And could they realistically survive in the wild with no survival skills? Seriously? This is what destroys your suspension of disbelief of a show for four years about robots that look like humans and can be resurected and thousands of humans who live on spaceships for years?

In conclusion, I thought season 4 mucked up the people I loved enough that I was feeling so 'blah' that watching the finale wasn't anything remarkable, or did I expect it to be. I think back to some season 1-3 episodes and how wonderfully rich, complex, good stories and characters were in it, that it just makes me kind of sad that it didn't go out that way.
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