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Post by Lucretia »

So we are looking after (temporarily - we think) two young Burmese cats. They're the colour of vanilla ice cream, with a little distinguished gray. The boy is called Alfie, and the girl is called Cliquot. I grew up with cats, so I love them, and they make me laugh so much.

They are such spoilt shits though. They arried with a BILLION fluffy toys, cat baskets and accoutrements, none of which they pay the slightest attention to. They climb up on work surfaces (where we prepare food, FFS, what were their owners thinking?!!!) After one of two furious tellings-off though they seem to have got the message.

I leave my door open at night because I like having them on my bed at night sometimes. They don't rule the roost at all, but they do amuse me. Alfie has taken to waking me at 6am exactly, by bounding up on my bed, purring furiously, coming right up to my face, touching my hair, and licking my chest. *Just* like a man.

Do you have pets?
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Re: Pussies

Post by zandersmom »

I do! *raises hand* I have 2 pets!

I have an assshole parrotlet named Yoshi, who loves no one but the baby, including me, the only person in the world who actually loves him & takes care of him. I also have the most beautiful, well-behaved boxer puppy in existance. She is almost 9-months old & her name is Lily Mei Mei. I could not have asked for a better dog!

Yoshi with the baby

My precious Mei Mei
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Re: Pussies

Post by Podgy »

Four cats and one dog. We just got back from a week of vacation without the animals, and I missed all of the little buggers like crazy. The week away also helped to determine that I am allergic to something in my house, which is most likely to be one or all of the animals.
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Re: Pussies

Post by CassyLee »

I have two cats - one rather aged, slightly decrepit & always imperious princess of the house, and one very oversized cross between a timid mouse-snake & a rambunctious teenager. Whenever company is around, Gizmo hides under the bed & hisses at anyone who so much as glances at him. But when it's just the three of us, he romps around the house bouncing off the walls with all his excess energy - annoying princess Sabrina to no end ;) .
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Re: Pussies

Post by Iago »

We currently share our house with three small mammals. In order of age (oldest to youngest), they are:

Chuck, an orange cat with a hair-trigger fear reaction and frequent demands that we turn on a bathroom sink and pet him while he drinks from the faucet. He loves to plant himself between Mgan and me and demand pets whenever we try to schedule a little alone time while the Beebers (see mammal 3 below) sleeps.

Rupert, a silver cat who loves to sleep on canvas shopping bags and invite us down to visit him in "his" basement apartment. His preferred use of bathroom sinks is to stop for a pee. He can be a very independent cat all day, who then suddenly is all snuggles.

Beebers, a non-feline mammal who loves to sleep, eat, poo and burp, but who is fast becoming more and more interactive, and now likes to lie between Mom and Dad, turning his head from side to side, following the conversation. He's also become quite fond of telling stories to his mobiles.
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Re: Pussies

Post by Lucretia »

Iago wrote:
Beebers, a non-feline mammal who loves to sleep, eat, poo and burp, but who is fast becoming more and more interactive, and now likes to lie between Mom and Dad, turning his head from side to side, following the conversation. He's also become quite fond of telling stories to his mobiles.
Mammal 3 sounds most peculiar. Have you taken him to see a vet? Does he perform any amusing or useful tricks such as fethcing stuff? If not, you may want to reconsider.

PS Is he housetrained? :)
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Re: Pussies

Post by grace »

Four cats:

Webster also known as Fatasster, Lard Ass and Chubsters. He's 23 pounds of purry fuzzy love.
Jenny also known as the wee pisser. Beautiful green eyes and very affectionate
Spanky also known as Spanky Butt. Loves to drink drips from the faucet and hang out in the bathroom with anyone going poop.
Ace Grace also known as Klutz VonPussy. A big lover but the clumsiest damn cat I've ever met.

Two dogs:
Curlie and Gracie. Curlie is 91 human years old. Gracie is 98 human years old.

And finally,

Finnegan the baby rat. Really adorable white rat with a cream head and stripe down her back. Loves to sit in your hand and wiggle her nose.
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Location: Your Mom's House

Re: Pussies

Post by Ace »

Phew! I almost threw up in my mouth a little when I read the subject...

I have a dog named Saffron. I believe I purchased her after my sudden disappearance from the WD and my WD party.

She is tiny (ok 50lbs tiny) and a beautiful dog. She is a Shiba-Inu Sheppard mix and we purchased her from a Puppy Mill (What.. I didn't know then what I know now) and we love her to death and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world (maybe a twinkie)... but nothing else.

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Location: Your Mom's House

Re: Pussies

Post by Ace »


**runs to the store to get get a box of twinkies**

Re: Pussies

Post by Phoebe »

Hey, I am eating vanilla ice cream RIGHT THIS MINUTE, it is the color of those two cats you described. I assume.

I have a dog named Oreo, he's twelve and is a spaniel/setter mix. He's called Oreo because he's black and white. We got him from a shelter called Buddy Dog when he was 1 and a half.

Also, I am totally jealous of having a pet rat. SO JEALOUS. I love rats, they're my favorite animal. I really want to get one as a pet, but I also would worry about it 24/7 (I have an irrational fear of small animals getting sick) so we will see. But they're so sweet.

Incidentally the vanilla ice cream is left over from my 21st birthday dinner (!!!) so I'm LEGAL and it also means that I first started interacting with you all on here seven freaking years ago. Or a little longer. Weird.
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