Could somebody please explain ..........

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Posts: 197
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm

Could somebody please explain ..........

Post by Lucretia »

1) Why Girls of The Playboy Mansion is so appealing? They're *really* prostitutes, and what it really says is "Be pretty and pander to men and you will be THE BEST?
2) Why I started tidying my (not very big) flat, then totally gave up, feeling demoralised?
3) Why I adore children & toddlers, and they adore me, but babies....? No!
4) Why alcohol isn't calorie-free. It LOOKS like it should be! (I know it's because of the sugar..........bastards...)
5) Why I am so tired after work, even though what I am really doing is sitting on my arse for 7 hours?

{{b}}Can somebody please explain ........{{/b}}
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Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:58 pm

Re: Could somebody please explain ..........

Post by Ghost »

1. I don't know. I bought my first Playboy in several years last month, for the articles (yes really, well one article, there was an interview with Selma Blair and I have a little bit of a fanboy crush on her). But I realized why I don't like Playboy. The centerfold looked exactly like every single centerfold I have ever seen in there, fake blond hair, fake breasts (and not just fake breasts but breasts that look like they were meant to look fake), and a face that looked like she was a clone of Pam Anderson. I'm sorry, but she looks like she was created in a lab. I don't understand why everyone thinks she is so beautiful. Now, in that same issue they had a pictorial of some tennis player I have never heard of. She was beautiful. She looked like a real person.
2. I've found that because I live in a small apartment but I have a lot of stuff, whenever I clean, I really just move stuff around and it makes it seem like I am doing a lot of work and accomplishing nothing.
3. Because they are not our babies. ;)
4. I don't know. I quit drinking once I became an adult.
5. Because your employer is a psychic vampire draining the life from your very soul.
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