True Blood?

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True Blood?

Post by CassyLee »

Preface: I'm continuing the trend that zandersmom started of discussing other vampire-related stories....

Has anyone else given this show a try? I wasn't planning on it, even though I've been feeling a yen for brooding vampires. And the review in Entertainment Weekly didn't entice me - particularly since it seemed the main complaint was that it was very Alan Ball-y, and I have to admit I don't have a huge fondness for American Beauty or Six Feet Under.

But somehow my DVR ended up recording the premiere of True Blood. And I liked it quite a bit. I even liked the second episode - although if they continue to make a habit of ending every episode with Anna Paquin in danger & need of rescue, my good will may soon disappear....

Re: True Blood?

Post by JupiterAmy »

I have! Even though I don't have HBO. Hooray for the internet!

I watched the first episode first, and then, uh, obtained the books in the series*. The books have a lot of similarities to Twilight (by which I mean, Twilight has similarities, as this one came first), but it's much much better. Not, like, high art, but pretty darn good. (No sparkling! Actual biting! Wooo!)

The episode I watched was actual a pre-air, and one of my main problems was that the vampire teeth looked completely ridiculous, which came close to being a deal-breaker. It looks like they fixed them for the actual show, though, thank goodness. Seriously, they looked like nonsense.

Unfortunately, my other main problem is Anna Paquin. I'm not a fan. But I still want to keep watching it? Because Vampire Bill and Stellan Skarsgård's son, who is supposedly in it later, are rather attractive.

I don't have the best handle on what Alan Ball-y entails: I never really watched Six Feet Under. I would say that it's HBO-y, I mean, there's a lot more boob than the story explicitly calls for. I think I read the article you mean ... is it the one where they talk about how he's apparently trying to use vampires as a metaphor for discrimination and it doesn't really work because, well, they're vampires? I'll admit that doesn't sound like the best idea, but I'm willing to see where they go that.**

*if you don't mind reading a book on your computer screen, let me know.
**I think the most obvious metaphor (and one the author briefly touches upon in the books) would be the mafia. They have a legitimate front, and then they have ... well, what they do. I kind of suspect that's where they're going to wind up going with this? I certainly think an HBO show would be able to handle it.
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Re: True Blood?

Post by CassyLee »

JupiterAmy wrote:one of my main problems was that the vampire teeth looked completely ridiculous, which came close to being a deal-breaker. It looks like they fixed them for the actual show, though, thank goodness. Seriously, they looked like nonsense.
Wow! Considering I think what's on the show looks pretty ass-tastic, I shudder to contemplate what they looked like before ;) .
JupiterAmy wrote:Unfortunately, my other main problem is Anna Paquin
I actually expected her to be a big problem for me too, as I'm not any kind of fan of hers. But I've actually found her surprisingly charming... at least enough that I can root for her character to get laid ;-).
JupiterAmy wrote: is it the one where they talk about how he's apparently trying to use vampires as a metaphor for discrimination and it doesn't really work because, well, they're vampires? I'll admit that doesn't sound like the best idea, but I'm willing to see where they go that.** [
Yeah, that's the one. It does seem like it could get a bit heavy-handed with the metaphor - particularly in the second episode where there were several references to the Vampire Rights Act or some such nonsense. I think I'd prefer they go toward a mob metaphor, but I'm not sure Alan Ball has any interest in that.
Jupiter Amy wrote:*if you don't mind reading a book on your computer screen, let me know.
Usually I'm not a big computer screen book reader - but I'm intrigued enought that I think I'd like to try reading the books - at least the one that this show is based on. And I'm far too lazy to get to my library to see if they have them ;-).
Last edited by CassyLee on Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: True Blood?

Post by JupiterAmy »

CassyLee wrote:Usually I'm not a big computer screen book reader - but I'm intrigued enought that I think I'd like to try reading the books - at least the one that this show is based on. And I'm far too lazy to get to my library to see if they have them ;-).
Okay! I'll have to see if I have your email!

The only thing I worry about is that if I want to keep watching the show, I've probably completely spoiled myself. Like, you know that thing that happens at the end of the first episode? Totally surprised me. But if they stick to the book ... I already know everything that happens! Ugh.
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Re: True Blood?

Post by CassyLee »

JupiterAmy wrote:Okay! I'll have to see if I have your email!
I was going to message you my email here, but you don't show up in the member list, so I can't [pout].
JupiterAmy wrote:The only thing I worry about is that if I want to keep watching the show, I've probably completely spoiled myself. Like, you know that thing that happens at the end of the first episode? Totally surprised me. But if they stick to the book ... I already know everything that happens! Ugh.

Hee! You know, usually people who read the book a show/movie is based on complain bitterly when the movie/tv show diverge even slightly from the story they know. I bet you're hoping Voldemort takes over the world at the end of the Deathly Hallows movie ;).

Re: True Blood?

Post by JupiterAmy »

I never even bothered to register! I guess I should?
CassyLee wrote:I bet you're hoping Voldemort takes over the world at the end of the Deathly Hallows movie ;).
That's different for some reason!

Actually, I think the reason it's different is that this is a series. A movie you digest all in one sitting, but a series you have to wait every week for the new episode. And in this case, there's no, "Oh, gosh, I wonder what's going to happen next week!" or wondering about where they're going to take this next season or if they can get that one guest actor back again. Because you already know.

It's not so much that it ruins the story, more that it ruins the experience of series watching.
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Re: True Blood?

Post by bettie »

Hmm. I would probably watch it if I were to house-sit and it were to be on the DVR. You know, in between viewings of Toy Story 2. Just hypothetically.
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Re: True Blood?

Post by CassyLee »

bettie wrote:Hmm. I would probably watch it if I were to house-sit and it were to be on the DVR. You know, in between viewings of Toy Story 2. Just hypothetically.
Well hypothetically, I'm pretty sure (but far too lazy to go downstairs to double check) that if you were to house-sit, you would find it on the DVR ;) .
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Re: True Blood?

Post by bettie »

CassyLee wrote:Well hypothetically, I'm pretty sure (but far too lazy to go downstairs to double check) that if you were to house-sit, you would find it on the DVR ;) .
Of course, this would require me to first find the DVR. I'm guessing it's near the television...
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Re: True Blood?

Post by Dellraven »

I quite like it so far. But, Amy, you took the words right outta my fingers. Anna Paquin just ho-hum, gratuitous titty and lovely boys.

I'll be watching it as long as it on because, um... vampires.
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