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Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:45 am
by KeyPete
Greetings, all.

I haven't posted in, like, forever.

The old excuses about the two kids and the j.o.b. and the volunteering and the re-vamping, upgrading and moving of the website no longer hold. I finished it. I learned a lot. I’m a real webmaster!

If only it paid.

I actually have time to post now, and have had since my company (the one that paid me) collapsed into oblivion last spring. I walked by the old building yesterday to rubberneck at what's left of the carnage. They've already changed the signs over all the doors. My old company is swiftly heading toward footnote status in the annals of Wall Street lore. I can talk about it now, relatively worry-free, I think (hope!), since I've received my final severance check. I can also write worry free since I have nothing bad to say about my old job. It was a great situation, which I can appreciate more and more now that I have just begun looking for a new one. I had a great boss, great colleagues and flexible hours any parent would envy. The confluence of events that brought down my company had nothing to do with my department.

Yes, it totally sucks, but, as they say, whatareyagonnado?

I'm still trying to figure out the wisdom and effectiveness of I've interviewed with a consulting company and a recruiter already after posting my resume last week. That was more than I expected, but I'm still cold. I'd like to start over. Find a new line of work, but right now, I just need a paycheck. Anything new would be entry-level. Can I compete with the young and eager...or just the young. I mean, sure, people have done it, but these are people with more energy, more skills and way more stamina.

Can the excitement of a new career displace the anxiety of a drastic pay cut? Pride or happiness - what's more important?

Get over it.

I hear you.

There are so many people nowadays drifting around in the dinghy S.S. Unemployment. We could capsize.

There is an election looming.

I remember 1992. How energized I was, a college graduate, and rightly so, since the eight years following were those of prosperity and progress.

The eight following, not so much.

I keep hearing how resourceful and optimistic we're all supposed to be as Americans. Exceptional. The things your parents told you when you were growing up. Made ya feel good, gave ya hope and a view to the future. Possibilities were endless.

You wanna study the arts, be an actor. The stage is your oyster.

Cut to: twenty years later.

All I want to do is make sure my kids don't starve and don't wallow in too much student loan debt when their pursuing their own dreams in another 20 years.

I don't feel exceptional. I feel ordinary.

Just another object in space. I am.

:roll: “What a whiner!” – Capt. Malcom Reynolds, Serenity

Re: Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:32 pm
by bettie

Wait, you have two kids? Are they twins or have you been gone longer than I thought?

Re: Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:20 pm
by KeyPete
Hi there, bettie! Yes it has been a while.

You can see my one-year-old daughter modeling a bib on page 76 of the Real Simple Family 2008 guide, now on newsstands!

Her brother didn't make the issue. He was supposed to be the toothpaste boy on another page, but he was just too cute and nobody was looking at the product. At least that's my story.

I miss you guys on the WD. It's been so long, some of my old chums seem to have moved off the board.

At least some of them blog. Dellraven just had a little girl and has turned out to be a great photog, for example!


Re: Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:08 am
by Fuchsia
Allo Pete!

Since he is useless and hasn't posted on the regular WD in months, let alone found the temporary site, I'll just say that my husband, Nos402, got laid off just over two years ago, and took the opportunity to go freelance with the acting and the film crew work and the playing of music. We had to get a couple of roommates, since our overall income dropped a little, but we've made it work. He still says that getting laid off was the best thing that ever happened to him, because he'd been in a good job that he would never have voluntarily given up (QA in the video game industry). This forced him to follow his dream, one which not many people in their mid-30s get the chance to do.

So take the pay cut, change up your life, have fun with it. It works best if you have a sugar momma to help you along :P

Re: Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:25 pm
by Dellraven
PETE! I need your current contact info. Email me (megtfee at gmail dot com).

Re: Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:23 am
by mgan
Good to see you around these parts again.

Re: Well…here I am (OT)

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:27 pm
by KeyPete
Dellraven, I sent you an email last Wednesday from peterfarrell at earthlink dot net. I do hope River is ok after the bloodwork and all.

Mgan, I do hope to post more!

Fuchsia, thanks for the thoughts, but as I've gotten older, my dreams of actual payment from somewhere in the entertainment industry have slowly faded as my face has more and more become a face for radio.

Cheers, all!