What is the universe trying to tell you?

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What is the universe trying to tell you?

Post by Podgy »

In the past 10 months, every time my husband has decided that it was time for him to get a PS3, the dog has needed veterinary care*. I think this is the universe telling him that he doesn't need a PS3. He disagrees.

So, what is the universe telling you?

*She is having a resurgence of the vestibular disorder she had last October, so we're off the vet in the morning. In all liklihood, a course of prednisone and anti-biotics will fix her up, so I'm not freaking out about this one.
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Re: What is the universe trying to tell you?

Post by Delle »

The Universe is telling us not to move house (the original plan was the end of July and really, we don't seem to be any closer now than we were then, in fact, we seem further away). And by that, it is telling us that Ro should be an only child, as we have no room for a second child in this house.

I am never, ever moving house again after this time.
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Re: What is the universe trying to tell you?

Post by mouse »

The Universe is telling me that I am going to get great seats for the first Firefly panel at Dragon*Con; because earlier there is a Star Wars panel that The Boy wants to go to, and I was worried about having enough time to get to the Firefly panel early enough to get a good place in line, and briefly considered leaving The Boy at the Star Wars panel to get in the Firefly line but decided that no matter how much I wanted a good seat it was not worth risking losing The Boy, but I just found out that both panels are in the same room. :mrgreen: Plenty of time and opportunity to sneak out of Star Wars early to get in the Firefly line, zero % chance of losing The Boy. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

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Re: What is the universe trying to tell you?

Post by Lucretia »

So, what is the universe telling you?

That I need to start trying new stuff.
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