Book recommendation for uni course

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Book recommendation for uni course

Post by Iago »

Warning: What follows may be boring for many readers. Do not read this post while operating heavy machinery.

Anyone know of a good textbook (or any good book) on data analysis? I'm teaching an MBA course on Strategic Management Information Systems. I have the material on strategic management and information systems in general, but since we're going to have to look at data analysis in some detail to see how information systems can inform strategic management choices, I'm looking for a good introduction to that subject. Preferably a reasonably priced one, too, as it will mean students have to get two textbooks for the course, which I try to avoid as much as possible.
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Re: Book recommendation for uni course

Post by bettie »

What do you think this is, Testing?
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:05 pm

Re: Book recommendation for uni course

Post by Iago »

bettie wrote:What do you think this is, Testing?
Uh... I could delete the post after 24 hours...
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