looking for a few fics- help?
looking for a few fics- help?
hey all! i'm looking for a couple fics that i read once, but can't remember the name or who wrote them. the first one is set early season 4 when buffy is with Parker. she and he do the deed (lol that rhymed) but buffy breaks him dead- or close to it. she freaks out and runs away. spike finds her and cleans up her mess then takes care of her. they become a couple and blah blah blah. one night while buffy, spike, joyce and spikes minions are hanging out at the lair one of the childer smell joyce bleeding rush her to the hospital and she doesnt die. there's more, but hopefully that's enough to identify. another one that i'm looking for- when faith poisons angel buffy gives him her blood but he takes too much and turns her to save her. then he leaves for LA, spike comes to sunnydale and finds buffy alone cause her friends no longer understand her and she still slays. she lives in a crypt of underground? idr. the last one is aslo spike/buffy and it includes something like a Murloch demon? Morloch? it's big, green, has like 6 red eyes 2 or 4 arms with claws and no legs. thats all i can remember. well, i hope somebody can help me! thanks!
Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:18 pm.