Shit, guys, I'm sorry

A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

The posts made here will not appear on the real WD when it re-opens.

Please note that I won't be providing any technical support for this board, as I would prefer to focus my attention on fixing the other board. So, if you're confused by anything, just try to figure things out, search the phpBB forums, ask other users for help, or just bear with it.
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Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by jamiemarie »

I'm sorry this whole WD thing is taking so long. This was a really bad time for it to happen; we were packing and preparing for a move, and then moving, into a house that still has a lot of renovations going on (we have no kitchen whatsoever, for example) and because there's still work being done or to be done in damn near every room we can't really unpack anything including our PCs (I have my laptop but I'm not accustomed to spending much time on it or using it for actual work), though we had no internet until yesterday anyway, plus it doesn't help that I usually feel pretty burned out at night thanks to my crappy job that I hate.

Excuses, excuses, I know, but seriously, it's been hectic and crappy in my world.

Anyway, the WD isn't abandoned or anything, it's just laid up.

Sorry! :cry:

~ Jamie
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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by Ghost »

So wait, are you saying you're getting us laid? /eyebrow
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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by Podgy »


While the WD is still missed, we are doing ok in our temporary home. I, for one, don't want you to stress out about it. I also want to say thank you to you again for setting up this temp board. It makes my days better know that my peeps are all in one place.

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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by Techboy »

Jamie - We love you; we love the WD (granted some of show it by lurking). You did good giving us a home. We know this is temporary. The new and improved WD needs to take a backseat to rl. We'll be here. Think Maslow. Take care of your basic needs. Here is a house warming message for you - seeing as I'm not able to fly across the country to give you a proper gift.

Take care of yourself. We will survive, and be waiting for the day that the WD is fully restored/upgraded.

Happy house warming!
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums
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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by mouse »

Jamie, please don't worry about it. We miss the WD and will be glad when it's back, but this temp home is working just fine in the mean time. (Thanks again for making it for us!) We certainly understand that you have a real life that must come first.


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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by BigEvil »

We love you! Take your time.

Hell take some of my time...
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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by Iago »


Thanks for letting us know. We appreciate all you do to keep the WD going. And it was great that you set up this tempoarary board so we could get our fix.

So take your time. Get settled in your new house. As someone who has gone through several moves over the last couple years, I know how much that entails.
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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by ariadne »

Ditto all the above. You've been a star setting this place up for us - how many other board administrators would do that?! [hug]
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Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by CassyLee »


I hope the job starts looking up (I'll have to annoy you with st messages so you'll look back fondly on how good it was before ;) ) and the house gets squared away soon - I can't imagine living without a kitchen even though I barely cook. In the meantime, we're having fun here & keeping out of too much trouble as we wait for the return of the real WD.

Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by JupiterAmy »

Oh, I assumed it'd be down until about the second week of September. ;)

Um, incidentally, do you still have our PMs?
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