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Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:28 am
by Bally
OK, let's see if I can remember how to do this...

Code: Select all

[b]Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?[/b]

[b]Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?[/b]

[b]Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?[/b]

[b]Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?[/b]

[b]Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?[/b]

[b]Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?[/b]

[b]After Eight: What are you doing tonight?[/b]

[b]and finally...[/b]

[b]Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?[/b]

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:05 pm
by Lucretia
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?

I maintain my stance that horrified WDers ten years ago - space travel is a colossal waste of time and money. We have way too many things to be sorting out here.

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?

The only true hangover cure is to sleep through it. My richter scale hangovers usually involve sitting and oscillating gently vwhilst feeling like the world is going to end. My lesser hangovers involve lots of junk food and bad TV.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?

Bite the head off first. Does that mean I seize the day?

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?

But that advert was actually a joke .... I don't like the Halfords adverts with the girl getting her car fixed by a man. And all those tedious "all you need is Brad Pitt / lunch with the girls / Holly and Fearne / a big cup of hot chocolate / endless bad cliches" adverts.

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?

Absolutely nothing. It's pitiful!

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?

Blondie, at Edinburgh Castle! How awesome is that? I used to love them when I was 3!

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?

Drinking wine!

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?

Um .... not really. I feel a bit grumpy and sad and trapped.

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:18 pm
by OwlSilverFeather
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?
Yes. We certainly have the technology, it only takes three months I believe, and people have spent that much time in orbit, yes? Or if not, we can find a way for that part. But ye gods the money it'll cost...

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?
I don't drink! Simplest one ever! :) However, I do work at Lush, which has plenty of anti-hangover products, so I could definitely recommend a few to those in need.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?
These are jelly beans, yes? Not, like, sour patch kids? One at a time, chewing a little on one side and a little on the other. If they're especially juicy, I bit them in half, eat one half, and then suck on the other for awhile before eating that one too.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?
I HATE HATE HATE Axe commercials with a fiery passion.

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?
Enough for my next apartment's opening rent, at least, but then what would I have to put in the apartment?

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?
Gig at all: The NY Jedi Poker Night show, December 5th. The last concert: A.F.I., November 13th.

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?
Just got home from work, so eating dinner, watching TV or possibly movies on my computer, hoping to talk to Jesse on Skype or Facebook but I doubt he'll be on because his evil hag of a girlfriend will be home, walking my mom's lovely dog that I'm sitting for while she's on my vacation, SLEEPING. I'm a Wiccan Jew. Christmas means a day off, movies, and Chinese food. :)

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?
Really doesn't mean too much to me (not a Grinch, just it doesn't factor in for me), but I got some great gifts and enjoyed giving them too!

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:36 pm
by peaks
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?
I drink to be sociable. To remain sociable I tend to stay within the comfort zone of not getting drunk. Boring, I know.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?
The head first, or the whole jelly baby. I chew.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?
McCoys "man crisps". Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?
Enough to buy a whole coconut! Nah, I have several musical instruments and a decent rpg collection. That'd fetch several coconuts. Let's do this!

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?
No comment. My ears are still ringing. Bloody tinnitus (idea for a band name...).

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?
Blowing my nose. Watching Hamlet. Isn't it boxing day? Where's my family?

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?
Christmas day was funny. My 2 year old nephew kept high fiving everybody. I suggested we all high five ourselves and there was self-congratulatory applause!

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:47 am
by Podgy
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?
I think I read that the Russians are sending a monkey. Assuming it goes well, humans can't be far behind.

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?
Water, greasy breakfast, giant sweet coffee, comfy clothing, crappy tv.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?
Head first. Nomnomnom.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?
A lot of PETA's stuff makes my head explode.

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?
Not much. Now, if I sold my husband's possessions, we'd get a little more than nothing.

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?
Great Big Sea and Spirit of the West last April.

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?
Fourth and final family Christmas.

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?
So far so good.

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:08 pm
by mouse
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?
To not get one!
But if that fails, then it's plenty of water, orange juice, and Tylenol. And probably some toast. And napping.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?
LOL I had to Google jelly babies. :lol: I've never had them. I would probably pop a whole one in my mouth and chomp it in half length-wise with my molars.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?
I agree that the Axe commercials are stupid.

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?
Um...maybe $5000, including the car? I mostly just have DVDs. And my sofa is in pretty good condition.

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?
It wasn't music, but I saw Jeff Dunham perform in August.
I need to get out more.

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?
Watching TV and surfing the 'net.
I need to get out more.

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?
My Christmas was nice. Christmas Eve at my sis' house with my Boy, my parents, my niece and nephews; Christmas morning at home with my Boy and coffee and fresh bread; then Christmas dinner back as sis' house.

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:13 pm
by costello_girl
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?

Probably not.

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?

I try to drink lots of water before going to bed and take 2 painkillers. Sometimes it works.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?

Like mouse, I have never heard of Jelly Babies. Thank heavens for Google.

Anyway, I hate to be a stickler, but Ronald Reagan said that about jelly beans, not jelly babies. He was a huge fan of Jelly Belly beans, which are smaller than the usual jelly beans and come in an enormous variety of flavours.

I generally eat Jelly Belly beans or jelly beans, one at a time. I save my favourite flavor for last of all.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?

I just saw this perfectly appalling one for an indigestion medicine. The woman didn't manage to "land" her perfect mate because she had a stomach ache. Luckily she found <insert medicine her> and therefore landed husband number 2 shortly thereafter. WTF?

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?

Not nearly enough, but more than it probably should.

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?

Gig? Like a musical performance? I usually think of a gig as something musicians do, but not something the audience goes to. Gee, I am nitpicking again, aren't I? Must be a lack of chocolate.

Anyway, I haven't been to a purely musical performance in ages. I think the last was possibly some sort of Classic Album recreation of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours.

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?

Staying in with my sweety. He has a cold.

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?

I did!! :-)

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:00 pm
by Gravious
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?

Ever is a long time. So yeah, the only way it won't happen is if humanity is completely eradicated before it is attempted.

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?

I very rarely drink that much due to lack of occasions, but I haven't experienced any serious hangovers? Drinking water before falling into your bed should help prevent it, I think.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?

I don't. Can't get jelly babies here, to my knowledge.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?

"Make it pink" is apparently the only thing a marketing department can think of when it comes to targeting women. So right now I can't remember a specific example, there's too many.

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?

Rough estimate of 4000€, maybe more, not including the car. No idea how much I'd get for the car, but probably more than 2000€?

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?

Depeche Mode, if I don't miss anything. Generally for 2009 Neko Case and Corvus Corax (a performance of Cantus Buranus II). And of course that festival thingy with lots of people mostly dressed in black and plenty of gigs, of course (that Peter Murphy dude was probably my highlight this year).

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?

What I do every night: Waste time on the Internet! Or play computer games! (Team Fortress 2, why are you so addictive dammit?)

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?

I had a fine lazy time. Except for the sniffles, which were annoying and persistent, but yeah.

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:18 am
by Techboy
Mars: Will we Earthlings ever send people to Mars?
We already have - you just don't want to know what we have found.

Refreshers: What's your hangover cure?
Don't drink anything that gives me hangovers.

Jelly Babies: President Reagan said that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat their jelly babies. Let's do some pop psychology: how do you eat jelly babies?
jelly babies? Is that like Turkish Delight? I had that once. (Yes, I know, jelly beans) - well I like to take several Jelly Belly flavors and see what new flavors I can make.

Yorkie: It's not for girls, apparently... till they released the one in the pink wrapper. Can you remember any other sexist adverts?
I have no idea what is "Yorkie" referring to? I remember the ad for Lionel Trains - now in pastel plastic for girls. I can't find the ad, but here is an article about it: ... ls_set.htm

Bounty: If you sold all your possessions, how much would it fetch?
Hum - I think I'll have to check my home owner's policy.

Minstrels: What was the last gig that you went to?
define gig - honest to goodness concert, listening to a troubadour, listening to friends jam - hum....

After Eight: What are you doing tonight?
I was on a conference call about the Mars expedition.

and finally...

Turkish Delight: It's ever so nearly Christmas! Are you going to have a good time?
Wow, teach me not read all the way down before posting. And it's already New Years - how was your boxing day?

This isn't an ad, but I though it very funny -

Edited: added the superfluous link to "Look Around You"

Re: Sweet BOQ, dude.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:38 am
by Sarah
It is painfully clear from this thread that not enough people have watched Tom Baker-era Doctor Who.