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Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:32 am
by OwlSilverFeather
Um...hi. :)

Lookie at me...I exist!

Re: So...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:46 am
by Julia

This will make stalking you much easier.

Re: So...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:07 am
by mouse
Hi! *waves* How are you doing?

Re: So...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:24 pm
by MenleyNin
Yay! I like it when people disreppear! (That's when you disappear and then reappear.)

Re: So...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:34 pm
by Lucretia
It's OSF! Hurray!

Re: So...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:13 pm
by OwlSilverFeather
I've been well, guys. I graduated college in May 2008 and basically jumped into the auditioning world...which also means I've become a retail slave to pay the bills. :) I worked for an Australian bath and beauty store called The Iron Fairies until it closed, and also for the Disney store on 5th Avenue as...entertainment. Let's just say I became good friends with Minnie and Donald. ;) Unfortunately, they closed the entertainment portion back in February. Now I worked at a different bath and beauty store called Lush (LOVE IT SO MUCH!) and a goth clothing store called Gothic Renaissance. Acting-wise, I've had a few gigs here and there...I did a supporting role in an indie film back in September and appeared in Just Kait's music video "U Suck" last spring, as well as a few other things, and I audition for any gig that's out there. I also regularly appear on CBS Radio's Rock Chick Live with Frankie Russo as a guest and correspondent as well as sometimes performer.

I'm also part of an amazing troupe called the New York Jedi ( ) We do lightsaber stage combat, choreographed fights and performances. These people have become my family, given me so many opportunities, and I feel now like I can do just about anything because of them. I'd never done a martial art or used a weapon before in my life, and now I'm at my happiest when I have two short sabers in my hands kicking ass on stage. Check us out on YouTube too. :)

I dated a guy named T for the last two years...we broke up last month and it's been like relearning how to breathe. I loved him...I guess still do a little, those things don't just go away...but he made me feel like shit all the time...told me I was childish and stupid and I was never ever good enough for him. He promised he'd stop smoking when we got together, hid it for a year, and then told me he'd leave me if I ever said another word about it. And a year into the relationship he picked up pot again...and since he moved in with me and was living with me (rent-free) he kept it in our apartment. It made me miserable every single day. I had friends telling me to leave him but I always thought it would get better, and it never would...and I began to believe all the things he said about me. Finally, he slapped me a few times, and moved out in September...we stayed together, and he promised things would get better if we weren't living together...but in November he hit me again and I broke up with him. He's been a complete jerk ever since, and I'm glad he's not in my life anymore. I have my eye on someone new, someone everyone I know agrees is the polar opposite of T...light to T's dark, day to T's night, happiness to T's rage. Unfortunately this person has a girlfriend who he loves even though she basically makes him feel the way T made me feel...but he's said that he's into me and just doesn't know what he's going to do yet about her, and I'm keeping hope alive.

Oh! And some of you will remember my cockatiel Chi-Chi...I now also have a Chinese water dragon named Zhana, and I love her so very much. :)

And now I find my way back to you guys, and I'm so happy to be here. :) So...what's new?

Re: So...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:30 pm
by starshine
OwlSilverFeather. OwlSilverFeather...hmmm...sounds familiar. Didn't you used to be on the old WD? I vaguely remember the username.


Re: So...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:11 pm
by olthar
wow, I'd welcome you back, but I'm barely more than a lurker here these days anyway.

Re: So...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:51 pm
by OwlSilverFeather
No lurking! Board's too quiet. There's posting to be done! Get to it, people. :)