WD status updates

A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

The posts made here will not appear on the real WD when it re-opens.

Please note that I won't be providing any technical support for this board, as I would prefer to focus my attention on fixing the other board. So, if you're confused by anything, just try to figure things out, search the phpBB forums, ask other users for help, or just bear with it.
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WD status updates

Post by jamiemarie »

UPDATE, July 6: Okay, the board is upgraded to the latest version of UBBThreads, in a completely bare-bones state. Now comes the hard part: All the customizing and hacking... I'd like to limit the hacking as much as I can, but some will be necessary. Oy. This tabula rasa is sort of overwhelming... I'm not really sure where to begin! (On the upside, there are some nice new features!)

Nevermind, MenleyNin and Mouse (and more!) already came to the rescue! :) I already downloaded the 7.3.1, so now in fact I can skip straight to that instead of doing 7.1 first. I'll keep posting further updates on the WD placeholder page (http://forums.buffyguide.com), and maybe here too if I can remember...

The following is pasted from the WD placeholder page, because being flat broke doesn't mean I'm not still lazy efficient...

UPDATE, July 5: I've begun the upgrade process, starting with an intermediate step up to version of UBBThreads (mine was 5.4.4, from way back in 2001 when it was still WWWThreads). Next I'll upgrade to version 7.1, the most recent one I have downloaded. What I would really like to do, before beginning the laborious task of re-applying all my old hacks to the new version, is upgrade it to the most recent version, 7.3.1, as there have been numerous bug fixes since the version I have (it's well over a year old). However, my license to download new versions has expired. So, um... does anyone feel like donating $35 (or some other contributory amount) so that I can download the newest version? This is the cost to renew my UBBThreads Member's Area access for one year, which will allow me to download the latest versions, as well as any updates that are released in the next year. (I get a big discount for being an old-school WWWThreads user, otherwise it would cost a lot more! Still, I am completely unable to afford even $35 right now.

Click here if you want to donate via PayPal.

At any rate, whichever version I stop at, the next step will be to customize all the settings and whatnot similar to how they used to be, and moreover, implement all my hacks into the new version (as needed... I'm hoping at least here and there I'll discover that some of them have been implemented as out-of-the-box features). This is the main reason I put off doing any upgrades for so long.

(If anyone is curious, I did consider simply moving to a new, free forum software, but there are no importers available to import my old WWWThreads database into any other system, so such an endeavor would mean losing many years' worth of posts and users.)

p.s. Did you know that even admins can't use HTML on this Board of Blueness? WTF?
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Re: So, um, does anyone want to buy me an upgrade?

Post by jamiemarie »

Whoa, that was some speedy generosity from MenleyNin and Mouse!

Thank you so much, guys! [imaginary heart icon here, as phpBB doesn't have one]
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Re: So, um, does anyone want to buy me an upgrade?

Post by CassyLee »

Oy, I guess I just proved I don't thoroughly read things before I reply - so, er, take Elliot out to a celebratory dinner on my donation after you finish the upgrade :) . Of course, it might have to be a celebratory dinner at McDonalds given the price of food & gas lately ;) .

Re: So, um, does anyone want to buy me an upgrade?

Post by Dellraven »

Oops, I didn't read this either before I donated! Ah well... put it towards gas! ;)
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Re: WD status updates

Post by jamiemarie »

(I already said this in emails, but thank you to my saviors/donators!) [heart]

Re: WD status updates

Post by JupiterAmy »

[raises hand]

Jamie, I fear change. What sort of changes can I anticipate fearing in the new-and-improved WD?
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Re: WD status updates

Post by talula »

JupiterAmy wrote:[raises hand]

Jamie, I fear change. What sort of changes can I anticipate fearing in the new-and-improved WD?
I heard it'll just have racing stripes and flames on the sides, but no real changes, so don't be afriad.
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Re: WD status updates

Post by jamiemarie »

JupiterAmy wrote:[raises hand]

Jamie, I fear change. What sort of changes can I anticipate fearing in the new-and-improved WD?
Well, I'm largely not sure yet myself. Off the top of my head, though, one thing is that the markup (when you click a markup button) actually inserts into your post where your cursor is! And you can highlight text and click, for example, the B markup button thing, and it makes your highlighted text bold!

In other words, like it does here, and I think has been doing on other boards for years. Boards that weren't woefully out of date.

Although, it seems to be dumping my cursor at the end of the post once it's done. Hrm.

(Don't worry, I'll try to limit the scariness! ;)) <-- these icons are kind of ugly :|
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Re: WD status updates

Post by Ghost »

(Don't worry, I'll try to limit the scariness! ;))
I'm getting banned?!?!?!?! :cry:
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Re: WD status updates

Post by mouse »

jamiemarie wrote:
Well, I'm largely not sure yet myself. Off the top of my head, though, one thing is that the markup (when you click a markup button) actually inserts into your post where your cursor is! And you can highlight text and click, for example, the B markup button thing, and it makes your highlighted text bold!
Oooh! Sounds fabulous!!

Will our icons be the same?
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin
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