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Make Love All Day Long... Make Love Singing Songs...

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:17 pm
by BigEvil
This post doesn't have much to do about anything save that I've been playing Beatles: Rock Band non-stop and I've had Beatles on my mind.

See, for the longest time Lennon was without a doubt my favorite of the group. My top favorite songs (including my most favorite I Want You (She's So Heavy)), tend to be Lennon's. But the more and more I think about it, and play the game, I realize the George Harrison's are really up there (including my second most favorite song Love To You). So...

1. Which of the Fab 4 is your favorite? Why?

2. What's your favorite song?

3. Best Beatles Album?

4. Did you know that "The Walrus" was Paul? ...or was he?

5. What do you really think of Yoko?

Re: Make Love All Day Long... Make Love Singing Songs...

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:32 pm
by Rob
1. Which of the Fab 4 is your favorite? Why?

Mostly Lennon, but really, it's the full ensemble that rocks my world.

2. What's your favorite song?

It'd be easier to pick my favorite dozen. But for the sake of the poll, I will say "Hey Jude" and "A Day In The Life."

3. Best Beatles Album?

Abbey Road.

I know these are obvious choices and, as is often the case, I don't care.

4. Did you know that "The Walrus" was Paul? ...or was he?

And Ringo was Semolina Pilchard. True story.

5. What do you really think of Yoko?

I am not a fan of her solo stuff, nor particularly of her stuff with John. But I think the notion that she "broke up the band" is misogynistic claptrap. At any rate, the only person whose opinion of Yoko actually counts is John's, and the two of them really did seem to be quite taken with each other.

Re: Make Love All Day Long... Make Love Singing Songs...

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:24 pm
by Lauren
1. Which of the Fab 4 is your favorite? Why?
Paul, definitely. I mean, John probably had more musical talent, but Paul had more charisma. Plus, he was the cutest.

2. What's your favorite song?
'Don't Let Me Down', which is also my number-one favorite song of all time. The Abbey Road footage of it is freaking magic.

3. Best Beatles Album?
Abbey Road, without a doubt. The entire second side is beautifully seamless and so, so phenomenally epic.

4. Did you know that "The Walrus" was Paul? ...or was he?
Well, John said it in 'Glass Onion' so it must be true. (Incidentally, The White Album, while not nearly as cohesive as Abbey Road, is my second-favorite Beatles album. I love its non-cohesiveness, actually.)

5. What do you really think of Yoko?
They were showing the Anthology on VH1 Classic a few weeks ago, and there was a lot of footage of her, and - honestly? I think she took way too many drugs back then. She looked SO spaced out, it was ridiculous.

Re: Make Love All Day Long... Make Love Singing Songs...

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:47 pm
by JupiterAmy
1. Which of the Fab 4 is your favorite? Why? I love John Lennon as his own entity, but my favorite Beatle will always be Ringo.

2. What's your favorite song? "Hello Goodbye".

3. Best Beatles Album? To listen to? Sgt. Pepper.

4. Did you know that "The Walrus" was Paul? ...or was he? One could make a case that anyone can be the Walrus. That I am he as you are he. As you are me. For instance.

5. What do you really think of Yoko? While I can't say that her work as an artist has ever particularly resonated with me, I think she's a classy dame and I have a lot of respect for her as a person.

Re: Make Love All Day Long... Make Love Singing Songs...

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:27 pm
by Lucretia
Lauren wrote:1. Which of the Fab 4 is your favorite? Why?
Paul, definitely. I mean, John probably had more musical talent, but Paul had more charisma. Plus, he was the cutest.

2. What's your favorite song?
'Don't Let Me Down', which is also my number-one favorite song of all time. The Abbey Road footage of it is freaking magic.

3. Best Beatles Album?
Abbey Road, without a doubt. The entire second side is beautifully seamless and so, so phenomenally epic.

4. Did you know that "The Walrus" was Paul? ...or was he?
Well, John said it in 'Glass Onion' so it must be true. (Incidentally, The White Album, while not nearly as cohesive as Abbey Road, is my second-favorite Beatles album. I love its non-cohesiveness, actually.)

5. What do you really think of Yoko?
They were showing the Anthology on VH1 Classic a few weeks ago, and there was a lot of footage of her, and - honestly? I think she took way too many drugs back then. She looked SO spaced out, it was ridiculous.
I agree with Lauren.

Re: Make Love All Day Long... Make Love Singing Songs...

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:39 pm
by Lucretia
BigEvil wrote:This post doesn't have much to do about anything save that I've been playing Beatles: Rock Band non-stop and I've had Beatles on my mind.

See, for the longest time Lennon was without a doubt my favorite of the group. My top favorite songs (including my most favorite I Want You (She's So Heavy)), tend to be Lennon's. But the more and more I think about it, and play the game, I realize the George Harrison's are really up there (including my second most favorite song Love To You). So...

1. Which of the Fab 4 is your favorite? Why?

John Lennon. Ultimately, I don't know why. But he touches something in me. He was not perfect, I do not idolise him. I think he was egotistical, violent, ridiculous and completely overhyped. He was also vulnerable, honest, open, compelling, convincing, intelligent, and witty.

But there's something .....

2. What's your favorite song?

Right now? Hey, Bulldog.

Always? A Day In The Life.

3. Best Beatles Album?

I usually say Revolver, but really, I love Abbey Road. It's "Carry That Weight" that kills me.

4. Did you know that "The Walrus" was Paul? ...or was he?

A brief search of the internets will reveal that John was, in fact, talking crap. For shits and giggles.

5. What do you really think of Yoko?
I really, really like her. And then I don't.

See, we were discussing inclusion in relation to education at university the other day, and we got round to talking avout difference. Everyone is different, ultimately. And people say "We just want you to be yourself!" What they mean in many ways is, "Be yourself, but a watered-down version of yourself."

Yoko fascinated John because she had her own life, and her own thing, and it was unique. She was not a pushover. And I am LOVING her art. She wants her art to reach out to the people, and I think it does.

However. I think she may have been a bit of a control freak. I've seen footage of them together, and it certainly seems that way. Or it could be clever editing. Or it could be ... well ... I have a theory that the media doesn't like strong women. Look at Anna Wintour.

Oh I don't know.

Yes, and no.