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Thoughts on prurience and afternoon drunkinness

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:48 pm
by Julia
So i've foind that ican't come here withouth thinkin about sex
holdon a sec gotta be pink
There we go!:) So yeah sex again, what's new julia right.. all broken record and stuff. but you know what iwasn't thinking about sex before dropping in here and that reminded me about one of the first posts here in the temp WD, something about nols and naked hugh jackman and how I came back here and got all pruriented again (go read it yourself it's on the last page since I doubt i'm makeing since). So anyway I've been re-readin alot of my old posts (more on that ina bit) and that was one of them. ISnce i'm not thinking to clear at the moment i decided to look up the exact definition of prurient. (didja know you can type"define (whatever)" into google and it'll do it?) So define prurient gives you "lubricious: characterized by lust", (yea! copy/paste). SO what the frak does lubricious mean? Well googel says- having a smooth or slippery quality; "the skin of cephalopods is thin and lubricious" SO then i fall on the floor laughing thinking about lustful cephalopods!! :lol: And I think, I should share this with you all, but then I think 'i can't drunk post in the middle of the afternoon, they'll think its inntervention time for julia or something' so i decided to own up to it and expalin that to. SOmehow it seems like a perfectly exceptable post topic for here dontcha think?
By the way, believe it or not but I actually am correcting my typing here as I go, but i just reread and saw that i'm not doin too good a job, i was gonna recorrect my correcting but decided - in th interests of the purity of the drunk post, i should not do that. So i waon't unless I complete screw up like typing utter nonsecnse.

Anyhooo- so why am i drunk? Well there IS a good reason, ut this particular level of drunkyness is a miustake ans highly unusual- but knwoing the reason involves knowing some intimate details about me- but not the sexy kind i'm sure you'd all like to know. Basically its that time of themonth. Usuall this isn't a problem for me, but occasionally its kinda more painful than i'd like. And all the lady problem drugs don't help much, but then I found, kinda by accident, that alchohol does. I was at a party once and it was one of those times it was bad and i picked up someones rum and coke instead of the coke iwas drinking. Since i don't drink very much (and i hadn't eaten much) it hit me kinda quick and hard and i noticed that along with feeling all spinny in myhead, my insides felt pleasantly mushy as well and the pain went away. So there you go. You know how that cartoon guy on bugs bunny would take a drink "for medicinal purposes"- well, in my case it actuallly works that way. I can count then umber of times i've drank for the prupose of drinking on one hand (well, maybe two) but, on those rare ocasions whn my time is much worse than usual (like now) a drink or two (just enough to be a little more than buzzed) really does the trcik. ANyway, this time there was a bit too much rum in th e rum n coke (pepsi actually) that i made an i'm feeling abit messed up actually. So being all gigily (wow 3 times to type a y instead of u there) (and i still messed up- screw it) an mostly naked already i decided to check out the WD and see what's up?

And there go the lustfull cephalopods agian, hehe- meaning associateing sex (nakedness) with here again. I honestly am not all pruriented! Well not ALLLL pruriented. But somehouw its all mixed up with posting here. I can see it thru the evolution of my posts (i told you thered be more on that- drunk julia is on the ball! Well not really- still gay ha hahah- wait, what was i talking about again?) post evolutio- I found an archive of a lot of my old post ( I saved alot of them for some reson) I start off talking about buffy (duh!) and answering boqs and talking about sara and freaking out about meeting here parents (what the heack did I post about that here?)and then somewhere it turned into allthis jello wrestling, and tempting str8 grils to swtich teams and nipple ice cream and stuff. It got all pruriented!! And yeah, offline me, real me, is a little oversexed but I'm not all "morbid, degrading and unhealthy interest in sex" (the legal definition of 'prurient interest'- just so ya know). And the wd sex connection makes even les sense here- the temp here that is. There aren;t any half-nked profile pics to distract me or animated spanking icons and stuff. So yep, it comes down to just what i said in one of my first post at the temp here- you've pruriented me! The over-oversexed julia is all your fault.

Wow i've been typing a long ti,e FUCK i can't type time-- had to fix that like 8 times! wtf!! Is anyone still reading this. Sorry its gon on so long. Ya know the real life drunk me doesn't babble llike this at all. I just sit there watching how people move until i go zooming around again. On the rare occasions i do go out drinking to get drunk, our chosen dd has the secondary job of keeping track of me. :D Moving and watching people move becomes hilarious to me when i'm drunk. its like frames are missing. So people walking or dancing looks like some old tymey movie or like its under a strobe light all hery-jerky and quick. So i;;ll watch people and giggle a lot, and my friends jump in my cface to watch me jump back too slow, or i spin my head incircles or (usually) i go zooming around the room like Gir! Anwyway, i've typeid too long and i'm starting not too feel so fuzzy anymore so i'm gonna go runn around before i;m just mushy and not in pain anymore.

- I am not an alcoholic- it took one drink to get me this way so Iam still a complete lightweaigth (wtf did I just type-screw it)
- YEA drunk posting!!
- Stop prureinting me! I am not a lustful octopus!!

Re: Thoughts on prueince and afternoon drunkinness

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:50 pm
by Julia
Heyyyy THAT wastn't PINK--- this is PINK!

frak it- i'll edi tit later.


Re: Thoughts on prueince and afternoon drunkinness

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:48 pm
by Lucretia
Ain't nothing wrong with afternoon imbibing. Or "lunch with the girls" as I like to call it.

Re: Thoughts on prueince and afternoon drunkinness

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:03 am
by Sarah
I was certain "prueince" was going to turn out to be a typo for "prudence."

Re: Thoughts on prurience and afternoon drunkinness

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:53 am
by Julia
There, I have editted the title, so that it, at least, makes sense. I will not however try to sensify the rest of the post- I believe it speaks quite well for its own sesibilities. But may I suggest a little Capt Morgan in your pepsi to help clarify the more convoluted portions of it? ;)

Anyhoo- wow, was that post not wildly.... hmm, inappropriate isn't the word- cause it totally seems to fit here. I mean if you all can post about poppin out babies all the time (or getting near to) and whatever the frak your eating (just finished off a snack of maple sugar frosted mini-wheats- in case you're interested)(and seriously- what's with all the food posts?!) I can get randomly drunk and post about the corrupting influence of this place on the delicate, pure flower that was me oh so long ago before I signed on to the WD. [hmm- where's the angel icon... seriously two devil icons and no angel?]

Anyhoohoo (WHat?!), I don't really have any non-drunken response to my drunken posting. I'd be vaguely embarrassed if it weren't the posting equivalent (for me) of the drunken-frat-boy-hug-while-slurring-"I LOVE YOU MAN!"... so there.

On the topic of drunken "ILOVEYOUMAN!" type confessions however, I now have something I'd actually like to post about. Look for it in another post though- 1)I don't want to sully up this post with actual conversation and B) I doubt anybody is actually checking in on this post in the hopes of continuing whatever the hell type of thread I was trying to get going here... unless you actually want to talk about one of the following...
1)Lustful cephalopods. (hmm- sounds like a good band name :D )
2)The corrupting influence of internet message boards.
3)Something you've been dying (or at least had a passing fancy) to post about while in a drunken haze.
4)Jello wrestling and tempting str8 girls to switch teams.
5)Unintentional discovery of the vague curative properties of alcohol and the social consequences thereof.

I believe those were the "main topics" of my intellectual discourse. So if any of them appeal, or warrant further enlightenment on your part, please do- post away (drunken of not) ;)