So what have you eaten today?

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So what have you eaten today?

Post by Lucretia »

I love knowing what people eat.

I've had -

Special K with skimmed milk
Grape and blackberry smoothie
Pineapple and grape smoothie (gorgeous)
A packet of cheese Quavers
A ham and tomato sandwich on Weightwatcher bread (manlted Danish).

I plan on having honey roast salmon with grilled peppers, courgette and cherry tomatoes for dinner. And maybe, if I'm feeling crazy, a low fat yoghurt.

What I really want is macaroni cheese, garlic bread and lots of wine. But I won't, because I am IRON, like a LION, in ZION.

So what have you had to eat today/what are you intending to eat?

What would you really like?

Where do you like to eat out?

What do you like to have there?
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Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:47 pm

Re: So what have you eaten today?

Post by starshine »

So what have you had to eat today/what are you intending to eat?

I had leftover pork chop/mashed potatoes/corn for lunch (I don't do breakfast) and Shepherd's Pie for supper (ground beef/mashed potatoes/corn). Supper was at the in-laws', I wouldn't have chosen to have potatoes and corn a second time but what could I do? At least I didn't have to cook. I also had some really tasty sweet Portuguese bread. I may have a snack later but I'm not sure.

What would you really like?

I really can't think of anything but then again, I just finished supper a little while ago and am just not hungry right now.

Where do you like to eat out? What do you like to have there?

Zip's Diner - French Toast, eggs and bacon
Golden Greek (local restaurant) - Seafood Newburg
99 Restaurant & Pub (chain restaurant) - Baja Crab Cake/Top Sirloin Steak Combo with garlic potatoes and veggie
Hank's Dairy bar - Clam Cakes
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Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:18 pm

Re: So what have you eaten today?

Post by mayhem »

So what have you had to eat today/what are you intending to eat?
Breakfast: Heaping dollop of butter barely held in check by two floppy, saturated pieces of wheat bread toast.

Lunch: Giant plate of wagon wheel pasta swimming in a meaty sauce and buried in only slightly expired shredded cheese washed down with a can of Coke; followed by a full size Baby Ruth candy bar and a handful of Gobstoppers.

Dinner: The half-rotisserie chicken meal at Boston Market, with mashed potatoes and stuffing wallowing in gravy (of course); with not one but TWO loaves of corn bread. Raspberry lemonade to drink, which turned out to be gross.

Currently: Miller Lite.

What would you really like?
Organic green salad, no dressing.

Well, not really.

Where do you like to eat out?
Not picky, as you might guess.

What do you like to have there?
Also not discriminating. I generally order the first thing that catches my eye on a menu without putting too much thought into it. I find thinking too much constipating.

I am hell at a buffet, let me just say that.
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