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Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:06 am
by talula
Whoa. So, hey, let's do something fun. It's called, a BOQ without those little tags that make it easy to cut and paste. Huh. Too long of a title?

What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?

What do you miss most about the real WD?

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:34 am
by Sylvain
What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?
I kept forgetting it was down and hitting my WD bookmark.

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?
I stayed in two hotels, favorite thing is not having to make breakfast. Least favorite is lack of privacy, I don't like the idea of a stranger going in my room when I'm not there to clean up.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?
I had test in "Problem Solving & Technical Support" in the morning, then had lunch at Hooters.

What do you miss most about the real WD?

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?
a British Vampires invasion.

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?

Testing got empty once too much, the server lost its balance and crashed.


Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:07 am
by mouse
What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?
I played Toontown. And sewed my quilt. And got the oil changed in my car.

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?
I love room service.
I don't love never knowing the channel lineup on the TV.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?
Nope. I stayed home. Like a hermit.

What do you miss most about the real WD?
The way it would just BE there, magically, every time I clicked my little "BG" icon.


Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?
Hmm...The Scooby Gang had some great plans to go watch some fireworks...even Buffy was going to relax and go with, instead of patrolling...lots of funny banter, etc...but some pesky vamps wreak some havoc...and the big finale is when Buffy kills a vamp by shooting a huge firework into it. The look of surprise and 'oh shit' on the vamp's face, the second before it colorfully explodes, would be priceless.

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?
I just know someone is going to blame the smoking mice.

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:37 am
by Sam_Spade
Whoa. So, hey, let's do something fun. It's called, a BOQ without those little tags that make it easy to cut and paste. Huh. Too long of a title?

I have seen snappier titles :P

What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?

Rocked backwards and forwards in front of the 'pooter screen, sobbing at the lack of WD goodness.. :(

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?

Not having to worry about cleaning the room, knowing that a whole bunch of strangers have used the loo, shower, bed, etc.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?

Not a blessed thing

What do you miss most about the real WD?

All the wonderful folk that inhabit it.

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?

I like the Brit vampire invasion plot :D

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?

I think it was Elliot Gould, i'm sure he is planning a coup. :mrgreen:

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:41 pm
by pellenaka

What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?

What I normally do - except that I missed the WD

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?

I like staying in a hotel because people come and do the cleaning. I don't like it because I love my own bed and pillow.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?


What do you miss most about the real WD?

Everything! The colours, the pictures, the emoticons.

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?

I guess Graduation Day was kind of an 4th July episode - stuff was blown up.

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?

I bet someone but the wrong wire in the right socket :roll:

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:16 pm
by MenleyNin
What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?
  • -Got up at 5 a.m. to see visiting friends off on their return trip to Austin
    -Tidied house and prepared for Independence Day party (cooking, cleaning, and minding the pool)
    -Hosted a kick-ass celebration complete with the best barbecued chicken you've ever had
    -Realized one of my cats is either really annoyed by all the company or really sick, as he's peed in five different places that aren't the litter box in the last 72 hours
This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?
Despite the fact that I worked in hotels for some time and know way more horror stories than the average person, I rather enjoy staying in a hotel room. I almost always get a room with a king-sized bed, and it's wonderful to luxuriate in all that space, having only a full-sized bed at home. The thing I routinely dislike about hotel rooms is the lighting, because it's always, always, always too dark.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?
I had friends and family over. It took a bit to get the party started, but once the neighbors in the subdivision behind us started being obnoxious and shooting off awesome firework displays, it revved up. The highlight? Over an hour of the entire guest list playing like carefree children in the pool while brilliant displays showered overhead. Now, where I'm from the breadth and depth of the menu is what defines a party, so here it is: four meats (burgers, hot dogs, brats, and grilled chicken with my homemade BBQ sauce); four salads (stuffed baked potato, cauliflower, cucumber, and chick pea); three desserts (amazing hollowed-out-melon-with-fruit-and-ginger-ale thingie, holiday-themed cupcakes, homemade Heath Bar, and blackberry-chocolate pie); three-cheese fondue with homemade sourdough bread; and more cocktails than you can count.

What do you miss most about the real WD?
The people, and the posts that make me laugh.

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?
"By Dawn’s Early Light," set between seasons six and seven

The remaining Sunnydale gang (Buffy, Xander and Dawn) are kicking it at the Bronze’s annual Fourth of July rooftop party, from which they will watch Sunnydale’s fireworks display. Ever prepared, Buffy has a stash of weapons-grade fireworks stuffed imperceptibly on her person, and she notes that she always wanted to try that thing where you shoot a bottle rocket in something evil’s eye like in Silver Bullet. (Note the idea of blinding someone first appearing here, as it will become a major plot point later in the season.)

On the other side of the roof Anya chats up a recently dumped chick, Betsy Rossman, who says, “I can’t figure guys out. It’s like they lock everything up inside and you have to have a key to get in and figure them out. I wish I had the key.” And boom, Dawn is suddenly sitting with them and is mystically tethered to Betsy.

Willow is depressed to be across the pond on the holiday and is upset that she can’t be trusted on her own. Giles is surprised that she's so homesick on this national holiday, noting that she's particularly against holidays rooted in war and destruction. He offers to try to make her feel less homesick by doing something "American."

Buffy and Xander quickly find Dawn across the roof, and Buffy is (predictably) pissed that Anya has used her sister for vengeance purposes. Meanwhile, an aggressive vampire gang takes over the rooftop. Now Buffy is really angry, grousing that she can’t have a single holiday that’s not mucked up by some evil afoot; and besides, can’t vampires appreciate independence? (Insert recycled undead American joke here.) The head vampire sneers that they’re Canadian and celebrated earlier in the week, thus ensuring that Xander will make jokes about maple syrup, hockey, and Wolverine for the rest of the episode.

Willow and Giles make pastry together while they have a heart to heart, during which he reminds her that true independence is controlling the magic rather than letting the magic control her.

The horde of attacking Canadian vampires kills Betsy, thereby releasing Dawn from the vengeance spell. Determined to show Buffy she can, in fact, take care of herself, Dawn somehow taps into her mystical energy, glows green, and causes the vamps to apparently implode (Although we later find out they were sent to an alternate dimension.) with her keyness. As the vamps begin to turn in on themselves, they all start shouting, “Eh!”, causing a not-so-smart Buffy to make an inappropriate Fonzie joke.*

Willow and Giles are revealed to have been making the pastry for an apple pie. While Giles eagerly eats the pie and reluctantly admits he misses the creamy goodness of Homemade Vanilla Blue Bell Ice Cream, Willow forlornly shoots sparks out of her finger tips and (badly) hums Yankee Doodle.

Buffy and Xander marvel at Dawn's green glowy goodness, causing Xander to comment that they were all saved by "Dawn's early light." Buffy is also troubled by this development, but she realizes that Dawn can be an asset in her fight rather than a liability. This, of course, means that she will ultimately wear the amulet to channel her keyness and close the Hellmouth in the finale, thereby allowing Spike to live on.**

*The phrase “jumped the shark” would almost certainly show up at this point, and then we’d have all known what we were in for with season seven.
**I envision a spin-off in which Spike, Clem, Lorne, Groo and other assorted "good" demons move in with me in a sitcom entitled Bradi's Bunch of Baddies, wherein we make plans from our hot tub to fight redneck evil in rural Arkansas. Lyle Gorch is sure to make a guest appearance.

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was aliens, wasn't it?
I think Sam Spade's on to something with his Elliot Gould theory.

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:43 pm
by Guest
My favorite part:
The head vampire sneers that they’re Canadian and celebrated earlier in the week.
I like the idea of Vampires celebrating Canada Day.

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:07 pm
by CassyLee
What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?
I kept trying & then I would cry & then I would go to ravelry & find more knitting patterns I love.

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?
My most favorite is being able to watch TV in bed. My least favorite is usually the heating/cooling system. Most places have some bizarre thing that is extraordinarily loud, but if you don't have it constantly running, the room invariably gets incredibly stuffy.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?
Had family & friends over for the day & barbecue, then walked down to the beach to watch fireworks over the ocean.

What do you miss most about the real WD?
The party forum. I'm constantly checking to see if anyone else has committed to coming to my party in October :D

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?
I got nothing. Something light-hearted. You know, I can understand why they didn't have a 4th of July episode - but why did we never get a St. Patrick's Day episode, hmmmm?

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?
It was my cat. He's not liking my attempts to keep him on a diet, so one night he went to the WD & ate the whole thing.

Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:37 pm
by Guest
What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?

I clicked refresh about ten times, and then I went outside.

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?

Most favorite: Beds! I love fresh clean nice new beds.
Least favorite: Pillows! I hate big poofy head-smooshing pillows.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?

I didn't! I come from a land up yonder! Hurray for Canadia :)

What do you miss most about the real WD?

The colors and distinction of it all. Honestly we have the prettiest forum.

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?

Obviously a presidential vampire slaying.

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?

It's a plot! A scheme. To make us go outside in the summer! BLAST.


Re: Can we BOQ this place up?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:30 am
by Lucretia
What did you do on the days you couldn't get on the WD?

I became rather frustrated. Then I went out with my friends, arranged a date, tidied my room, then made it messy again.

This is like staying in a hotel. What's your most/least favorite thing about staying in a hotel?

Last time I stayed in a hotel. my brother was so pissed he fell out of his bed, without even waking up. I screamed "You've got to get back into your bed!" He said "No I don't." Which was fair enough.

PS We were sleeping in seperate single beds.

Do anything cool on the 4th of July?

Nope. We mourned the loss of our best colony.

What do you miss most about the real WD?

Hugh and the NOL.

Buffy never had a 4th of July episode. What should have happened if there was one?

Some form of flashback to a previous 4th July way back in time, with Angel. Who is forcibly naked. A lot. What?! You asked!

So, the WD's not working. Tell me a really interesting story about what happened. Is was evil aliens, wasn't it?

I think it was bettie. She thinks we are a bunch off knobs.