So, what's up?

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So, what's up?

Post by talula »

I'm quite bored. I'm very pregnant and no longer do things I used to do, like leave the house on the weekends, clean the house, interact with other people. And the internet is not as entertaining as it used to be. I blame it on the media trying to push the internet as 'informative.' Whatever happened to the days when the internet was dedicated to Buffy adult fanfiction? Things have gone downhill, I must say.

Anyway, tell me what's been going on with you guys. Make it as detailed as possible so I don't have to go clean the kitchen.
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by bettie »

I'm pregnant too, and I never leave the house even when I'm not. I've been occupying myself by:

-downloading music from your sister
-re-watching Buffy (we're three episodes away from the series finale and THEN WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?)
-trying to teach Sam to climb trees (this requires leaving the house but only a tiny bit since there's trees outside our apartment building)
-eating ice cream
-wishing I could have a Guinness with my ice cream
-I'd even skip the ice cream if I could just have a fucking Guinness
-I think I'm going to get in touch with my non-existent Irish ancestry and have a Guinness once I hit the third trimester
-I also want a cigarette but I don't think so
-what was I talking about?
-oh right, the things I've been up to
-knitting and sewing stuff for Sam and the baby. It is almost ridiculous, the amount of stuff I'm getting done. When I was pregnant with Sam I made like one thing. The whole time. I have already made a whole freaking wardrobe for this kid.
-feeling guilty for obviously loving this baby more
-because I am a horrible person
-oh well
-maybe if Sam wore the Jedi costume I made him I'd make him more stuff
-also I am making myself a dress as soon as I get the nerve up to cut the fabric
-and that's about it.
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by Lucretia »

Oh thank God. Someone as bored as me. And I don't even have the excuse of being pregnant.

Um ....
I have moved from a busy bank job in Edinburgh, where I was doing extremely well but was not in a job that was setting my world on fire, to move back home with my parents for a year to study. I will be studying how to be a primary school (4 -12 year olds) teacher.

I have wanted to do this for a very long time and seriously doubted I could get in, as only 20% of applicants do so. I was accepted unconditionally (some responses ask that you do more work / get more grades / more experience first.) Note to self: have more faith in me.

I am slowly but surely sorting out the myriad tasks I have to complete. Organising my room at home, buying a laptop, buying and reading pre-course books.

I feel really happy and optimistic. I've changed a lot. I won't bore you with the details, but I've stopped a lot of destructive behaviour.

*ALSO* when I graguate, I can take my degree abroad, *including* NYC! I may have to do a bit more study, but I'm really looking forward to it. I really want to be a good teacher, I want to work out what makes them tick and give them confidence. A good teacher can make such a difference and I REALLY want to make a difference.

In other news, I have some really nice wine. I have a week until I start - and it is going to be INTENSE. I am scared ... yet not.

And I miss Jean. And I think I replied to bettie by mistake.
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by Lucretia »

bettie wrote: -I'd even skip the ice cream if I could just have a fucking Guinness
Random fact that I'd forgotten, and please don't take this as advice in any way (because I know jack about pregnancy), my ex's mother used to love drinking Guiness during her pregnancy with him (not a lot though). He was one of the healthiest, fittest, most intelligent blokes I know. I believe Guiness has vitamin B in it, amongst other things? So the craving is understandable.

Oh PS, I want to re-watch Buffy with my mum now that I'm living at home with her. Not sure she'd like it though, so I might have to go for the hard sell. "Er, mum, it has naked Ioan Griffiths in it?!"
Last edited by Lucretia on Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 197
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by Lucretia »

AND I have a blender and my new favourite thing is drinking smoothies.

I have not yet added vodka to any of them.

I am now questioning why I have not done this.
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by talula »

bettie wrote: -I think I'm going to get in touch with my non-existent Irish ancestry and have a Guinness once I hit the third trimester
Is having a drink seriously okay during the last trimester? Because I think I would trade in my cat for a glass of wine. The baby just kicked me, so I think he agrees.
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by talula »

bettie wrote: -feeling guilty for obviously loving this baby more
-because I am a horrible person
-oh well
hehe, you make me laugh
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by talula »

Lucretia wrote:Oh thank God. Someone as bored as me. And I don't even have the excuse of being pregnant.
I love having the excuse of being pregnant. People pick things up for me that I drop on the floor people tell me I can't lift things and carry things for me. People give me their seats, hold doors open for me. Also, I can be really bitchy to people and they blame it on me being pregnant. Of course, I do feel like I have little control over my emotions, as I cried for an hour the other day because we forgot to put out the recycling. It's very weird.
Lucretia wrote:
I have wanted to do this for a very long time and seriously doubted I could get in, as only 20% of applicants do so. I was accepted unconditionally (some responses ask that you do more work / get more grades / more experience first.) Note to self: have more faith in me.
Yay! Of course you should have the most faith in yourself. You rock, and it rocks that they saw it too.
Lucretia wrote:
And I miss Jean.
Miss you back! I miss the good old days of you sleeping on my floor. I have an extra bed in my house now, if you ever need it. Of course, I moved to the midwest, so you probably will not come and live with me again. That's okay! If you go and stay in NY, I'll come and sleep on your floor!
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Re: So, what's up?

Post by Podgy »

Also, I can be really bitchy to people and they blame it on me being pregnant.
I wonder if there's any way I can parlay "fat" into "pregnant", 'cause I would LOVE to have something to blame being bitchy to people on...

Re: So, what's up?

Post by peaks. »

I'm memorizing and perfecting 20 piano pieces, including a buffy medley (counts as one piece...). Juggling too much, perhaps. So I've started learning the violin, a violin with a crappy tone. This isn't a joke.
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