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WOW! There be life here!

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:49 pm
by Techboy
I sign on, and had a feast for my eyes! 17 9 people on. Is a BuffyGuide gathering that no told me about?

Edited: Oops - inflated the numbers a bit, but still - I normally se 1, not 9 - Tecchboy

Re: WOW! There be life here!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:35 am
by p(eaks)
9 people is very impressive. It's normally one for me too!
Is a BuffyGuide gathering that no told me about?
Apparently Buffyguide is attacking people! To answer your question, the new Buffyguide Death Star
is almost fully operational.

(In appleworks 5, spellchecker lists Buffyguide as a questionable word and the only alternative word offered is “befogged”. Hmmm...)