Dr Who baptism

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Dr Who baptism

Post by Pataouet »

I watched my first Dr Who episode this week-end.
It was "Blink".


And now I'll have to download buy all the series.
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Re: Dr Who baptism

Post by Podgy »

What a way to start!

I am very behind and need to remind my husband he's supposed to be finding the seasons I haven't seen yet for me.

Re: Dr Who baptism

Post by Bally »

Excellent, another convert! Soon Doctor Who will take over the world.

Which is as it should be. ;)
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Re: Dr Who baptism

Post by Techboy »

You aren't planning to see all the episodes, from Bill Hartnel's original (I don't even know if there are any surviving shows - I think Jon Pertwee is the earliest Doctor you can get episodes).

Chris and David's Doctors are completely different from the other 7 - the companions are more mature, the scripts are aimed at an older audience, and in my opinion perfect for resurrecting the series.

Interesting that "Blink" was the one that pulled you in (one of the most scary television shows I have ever seen), seeing as The Doctor appears so little in the episode, but welcome to the fold.

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Re: Dr Who baptism

Post by Christine »


Just so you know, though, "Blink" is a very singular episode in all kinds of aspects. I wouldn't say it's untypical (it's typcial for the fact that Doctor Who can to anything, but I do find it different from the other episodes. I can't imagine you not liking the rest though, so have fun with it! :)
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