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What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:30 pm
by mouse
Twitter from @drhorrible:
It's true. Dollhouse ep 13 isn't going to air. This makes @feliciaday sad. How do you feel? Why don't share those feelings with FOX?
AND this is the ep that Felicia is in! It will be on the DVD, but I think it sucks that it's not going to air.

Fox's Twitter is @foxbroadcasting. How about we let them know how we all feel?

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:33 pm
by peaksandtroughs
Die Fox,
Despite Joss whedon's sudden bout of fuckwititis in giving you another show to cancel, I still place most of the blame on you Fox

Duh Joss,
But cheer up fella. Rumours are breaking the internets and word is we've got a buffy loves riley movie to make. Get well soon. I've been there. Still am there...

(Dear Glea,


And get well soon!!!!XXXOXXXO

Love to family,

~ tom and wez.

P.S. The most important message is between brackets)

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:22 pm
by mouse
Hi, Tom! *waves*

And thanks. Glea's doing better; she's eating, and drinking, and biting me when I give her her medication.

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:31 am
by peaksandtroughs
Yay. No offense, but also celebrating the biting. A positive sign. She'll be watching lightsaber duels with her full
attention in no time =D


Apparently Dollhouse isn't getting cancelled, officially. I jumped to what seemed like a perfectly logical die fox conclusion, though.

TV's crap, imho, especially on my "portable" TV. I've turned to books anime in this crisis, opting for Full Metal Alchemist and Death Note. They're almost as compelling as buffy, oddly. And both shows are complete!

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:15 pm
by mouse
None taken. I am very pleased that she is biting, because, as you said, it means she's feeling better. :D

How is Wez doing? And you, of course?

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:01 pm
by peaksandtroughs
mouse wrote:How is Wez doing? And you, of course?
Wez is PISSED. We moved to another house where, instead of geese and wild bunnies on the lawn, there are gas guzzling monster trucks whizzing around a busy roundabout. I'm pissed too, but in good spirits. In contrast to the view from our house, the High Street has a Harry Potter-y Diagon Alley feel [cool]

Blame google earth for our new location being shrouded in secrecy, and my paranoia. Till we meet again...

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:10 pm
by mouse
I're really on the run--wanted--after that incident...but we won't speak of that...

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:19 pm
by talula
Are they cancelling it? Or just not showing one episode for some reason?

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:36 am
by mouse
No, it hasn't been cancelled. It's something like: Fox ordered thirteen episodes, and Fox is counting the pilot-that-they-made-Joss-scrap as one of the thirteen, but Joss had made a thirteenth ep not including that non-aired pilot, and that is the one that's not going to air.

Re: What a surprise, Fox sucks. Not airing ep.13 of Dollhouse!

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:53 am
by Dr. Unholy
talula wrote:Are they cancelling it? Or just not showing one episode for some reason?
I've heard a lot of talk saying that while the show hasn't been canceled, they doubt it will be picked up for a second season. The ratings are, apparently, quite low.

That and Fox secretly hates Joss.