I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

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I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Julia »

Where The Wild Things Are - movie trailer

How the heck am I just now hearing about this? It's not like I live under a rock or something.

I want to be excited about this, but I keep thinking...
*Please don't rape my childhood*
*Please don't rape my childhood*
*Please don't rape my childhood*

What do y'all think?
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by JupiterAmy »

It looks mind-blowingly like the illustrations.

Aside from that, I really don't know. I have internal conflict.
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by CassyLee »

Julia wrote: How the heck am I just now hearing about this? It's not like I live under a rock or something.
I think it's been in post-production hell for a long while now. I remember seeing it in Entertainment Weekly's movie preview a while back. Anyhow, while I hope it's wonderful, I'm not expecting too much, based on this story.
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Techboy »

Julia wrote: I want to be excited about this, but I keep thinking...
*Please don't rape my childhood*
*Please don't rape my childhood*
*Please don't rape my childhood*

What do y'all think?
I'm of 2 minds - I remember when I was young and read this story, and had it read to me, picturing in my mind what it would be like as a movie. I've done that with all the books that I read, including stuff I've read recently (or more so). Things like "Ender's Game" and the subsequent books by Orson Scott Card, "The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul" by Douglas Adams (as well as the first one,"Dirk Gently's Wholistic Detective Agency"), and others. I found the magic of reading though are the stories with the elements from my own mind. Seeing it on the big screen is several things:

1) Someone else's vision and interpretation
2) Hollow costumes the characters
3) limited imagination and cheesiness due to budgets

Rarely does a movie shine as brightly as the book - even Harry Potter series (which I have yet to see any theater trailers; it IS being released this summer, right?). Eragon is a prime example; the original "Creature from the Black Lagoon" was better written. "Mortal Kombat" was better written than Eragon. But, with the success of Peter Jackson's phenomenal treatment of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and the unexplained success of "Twilight", I think more book are going to be adapted for screen.

If you are allowed to look at the body of work as a separate piece, like "Bridge to Terabithia" (my personal favorite book of all time), I think you can immerse yourself in the story and enjoy it. As in Bridge, I didn't think the movie was that great - it played the relationship down too much, and the death of Leslie was not as much of an impact, which the whole book revolved around. More importantly, the reaction of Jesse has to the adults at the reception. However, it was a decent movie, and I didn't feel like I wasted my money.

In answer to your question - the trailer looks like it is going to be good, and keep the spirit of the book alive, not mold it into something else. But, I keep wondering if this trend is a good idea. Reading is important - it activates the mind, keeps it engaged. Movies, as with TV, are a passive medium for the most part. It is where the movie allows you to think of a deeper point or something you may not have thought about before, like in *"The Dark Knight", that a story is truly realized. I'm with you - don't let them rape my childhood. But, also for those (kids and adults) who have not read the book, and see the movie first; I suggest that you read the book first.

* My thoughts are not complete on "The Dark Knight" - I've been thinking about what was presented last summer, and still haven't come to some conclusion other than I liked the movie every time I watched it. I like that fact that I'm still thinking of the ramifications of actions of fictional characters, and relating to real life - a true portrait of no much good vs. evil, but order vs. chaos. I think not only did the writers do a superb job with the script, but Heath Ledger was the perfect choice for the role. When I get all my thoughts together on this I'll post it somewhere, and not take up anymore room from Julia's simple question.

AKA Techboy

Edited: fixed the quote tag - Techboy
Last edited by Techboy on Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Lucretia »

Julia wrote:Where The Wild Things Are - movie trailer

How the heck am I just now hearing about this? It's not like I live under a rock or something.

I want to be excited about this, but I keep thinking...
*Please don't rape my childhood*
*Please don't rape my childhood*
*Please don't rape my childhood*

What do y'all think?
This is totally a US thing, it wasn't popular in the UK, although I am aware of it.

Will you go and see it regardless?
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by JupiterAmy »

Techboy wrote: - even Harry Potter series (which I have yet to see any theater trailers; it IS being released this summer, right?).

The audio is a bit chopped up on this one, but I don't care because I love it.
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Julia »

Lucretia wrote:This is totally a US thing, it wasn't popular in the UK, although I am aware of it.

Will you go and see it regardless?
I'm sure I'll go see it. But I find myself so very anxious about it. It's not so much about them screwing up the story or anything like that, it's just that this story (and another) and specifically who would read them to me when I was little, are some of the very few GOOD memories I have about that person- so I don't want a really bad movie about this story to mes with that memory- and THAT'S what I'm anxious about. So I guess it's just my own neurosis and mommy issues that have me in a twist. But yes, I'll go see it.

So if 'Wild Things' isn't such a big thing for children across the pond, what is? What childhood storybook would have you all anxious and tentative if you found out it was getting movie-ized?
Cazzle the children's librarian

Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Cazzle the children's librarian »

Lucretia wrote:
This is totally a US thing, it wasn't popular in the UK, although I am aware of it.
Yes it is/was!! Just not quite at the same level as it is in the US. :)
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Dellraven »

JupiterAmy wrote:It looks mind-blowingly like the illustrations.

Aside from that, I really don't know. I have internal conflict.
Yes. Yes. And, yes.
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Re: I thought I would never do this but... **SQUEEEEE!**

Post by Lucretia »

What childhood storybook would have you all anxious and tentative if you found out it was getting movie-ized? [/color]
Oh God that is such a good question.

I can only think of childhood TV programmes. Like (and this may also be only Brit) Mr Ben, Bagpuss, Rainbow.

What Katy Did is also a favourite. Although I'm figuring this has been on tv / film?
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