Paul McCartney

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Paul McCartney

Post by PommeVerte »


I just can't believe I saw Paul McCartney live!

Paul McCartney!
Paul McCartney!!!


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Re: Paul McCartney

Post by Podgy »

PommeVerte wrote:Unfreakingbelievable!
So, it was good, then? ;)

I'm glad you had fun. [hug]
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Re: Paul McCartney

Post by Sam_Spade »

Paul who? :D

I heard that there was a kerfuffle over his participation, seeing how us Brits stole New France from the French. :mrgreen:
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Re: Paul McCartney

Post by BigEvil »

I heard he was in a band before Wings...

Re: Paul McCartney

Post by PommeVerte »

I heard that there was a kerfuffle over his participation, seeing how us Brits stole New France from the French. :mrgreen:
The French didn't really put up a fight to keep us, if I remember my history correctly.
Some people, especially the separatist-freaks, shouldn't have so much press. What an embarrasement that it got out so widely. :oops:

The Brits, Sir Paul in front, can come and steal us from the French anytime!

And british accent... [drool icon here]
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Re: Paul McCartney

Post by Sylvain »

PommeVerte wrote: The French didn't really put up a fight to keep us, if I remember my history correctly.
You're quite right, they did let us go like a hot potato.
Some people, especially the separatist-freaks, shouldn't have so much press. What an embarrasement that it got out so widely.
It was a faux pas to hire a british artist. And I always find it weird when a city/province/state/country hire non local entertainer (or non local born) when celebrating their anniversary or national holiday.
The Brits, Sir Paul in front, can come and steal us from the French anytime!

And british accent... [drool icon here]
I wouldn't resist to much if you replace Paul with Natalia Tena, I love her voice.
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Re: Paul McCartney

Post by PommeVerte »

It was a faux pas to hire a british artist.
I don't agree. You may think it was, and I understand your point of view, but for me, celebrating an anniversary means talking about it, having people gather, having fun, remembering it for a long time. Of course, I want people who have ties to the city to be involved, but I want my city to be talked about as much as possible in the best way possible. And Paul McCartney did just that for us.

I would agree with you for a particular night though, July 3rd, the date of the anniversary. It was also the opening night of the Quebec Summer Festival and the major attraction was Van Halen. There were other shows presented specifically for the anniversary, but I would have liked everything to be about Québec. Don't get me wrong, I went to see Van Halen and thought it was great, but on another night would have been better.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:44 am.
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