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Post by Lucretia »

I've got an interview at my chosen university to do teacher training! A long-held ambition.

Now, I'm not guaranteed a place. Although I rock at interviews. Even my managers are like "We don't see how you can't get this. Although we'd be gutted to lose you, we think you are suited to it."

But also, even if I don't get this placement, my current job is taking me out of my comfort zone. Completely. Because I asked for it. And my boss (who is amazing) said I seemed nervous, and I admitted it is because of my job changes, and my proposed change of career (which I still don't know will happen.) So it's all crazy right now.

Sooooo ......

What do you currently do?

Would you like to do something different?

Are you in your comfort zone?
Posts: 103
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Re: Woah

Post by bettie »

What do you currently do?
I'm a mom full-time, and a writer when I can muster the energy.

Would you like to do something different?
No, but I am desperate to balance my time better. And I would love to find a way to incorporate more photography into my life.

Are you in your comfort zone?
Yes and no. I love being a mom and I think I am good at it, but I have been really frustrated by my inability to do much of anything else for the past three years.
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Re: Woah

Post by bettie »

P.S. Good luck! I've got a good feeling about it.
Posts: 190
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Re: Woah

Post by Ghost »

Good luck. I know you will do well.
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Re: Woah

Post by MenleyNin »

What do you currently do?
I bathe dogs in the morning, and I take a course and do freelance work in the afternoon/evenings.

Would you like to do something different?
I am going to do something different! I'll finish my course within the next couple of weeks, and then I'll be working from home full time. I'm very, very, very excited about it!

Are you in your comfort zone?
Yes. Then again, I think I have a lot of variety in my comfort zone. I've done lots of different things: professional journalist, classroom teacher, minister, hotel manager. I loved them all and did right well at them. But I also have a problem with taking the emotional part of the work home with me, and it has often gotten overwhelming. That's why I'm looking forward to working from home. Yay for being my own boss!

Much luck!
Drop Edge of Yonder
When I bit into it, I could hear the ocean.
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Re: Woah

Post by olthar »


What do you currently do?

I am a grad student working on a cognitive psych phd

Would you like to do something different?

yeah, grad student is more of a transition than a job, I'd like to teach / research somewhere

Are you in your comfort zone?

yes, I have been a student almost my whole life. It is very comforting to continue to be a student, and (as an added bonus) it lets me put off anything remotely considered "the real world" for as long as possible.
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Location: Back of Beyond....then left a bit.

Re: Woah

Post by Sam_Spade »

Best o' luck, m'dear, though you really won't need it. :mrgreen:

What do you currently do?

I deliver stuff (steel,mainly) from a factory in Hampshire to all over the south of England.

Would you like to do something different?

Yes, and no.

Yes because it's the same ol' same ol', day in, day out, though due to the nature of the customers (construction sites) i do get to see new places all of the time.

No, because i love driving, (even though i nearly ran down a little old lady on Tuesday who crossed against the lights :shock:

Are you in your comfort zone?

Very much so, i'm not a bad driver and haven't broken my truck in any way for a very long time. :|
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

Sam Spade to Joel Cairo ~ The Maltese Falcon.
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Re: Woah

Post by talula »

Lucretia wrote:I've got an interview at my chosen university to do teacher training! A long-held ambition.

Now, I'm not guaranteed a place. Although I rock at interviews. Even my managers are like "We don't see how you can't get this. Although we'd be gutted to lose you, we think you are suited to it."

But also, even if I don't get this placement, my current job is taking me out of my comfort zone. Completely. Because I asked for it. And my boss (who is amazing) said I seemed nervous, and I admitted it is because of my job changes, and my proposed change of career (which I still don't know will happen.) So it's all crazy right now.
You will be amazing!

Sooooo ......

What do you currently do?
I work for Vocational Rehabilitation, which is a part of the Family and Social Services Administration, which is part of the State of Indiana. I authorize dollars to services that help people with disabilities find jobs or get accomodations to help them work.

Would you like to do something different?
No. I really like it. It's a positive job- doing something positive, which is rare to find in the social work field, such as not working with people who are in trouble or forced to come to services, etc. No one's health and safety are on my head, so stress is very low. My goals are actually achievable, which helps with stress, as in- no one's asking me to make someone 'better', such as stopping someone being mentally ill or making someone act better, which again helps with the low stress. I have a stable regular work schedule, never on call, so I don't take my work home with me and it can't find me until I get back to work tomorrow morning.
*hugs job*

When I was younger, and by that, I mean, last year, I really wanted to do something more challenging, dealing with difficult people, helping them through hard times, not giving up on them, being there whenever they needed you, really making a difference. And then I did it. And then I was like w h a t e v e r. I realized I needed to have a life too and not make myself sick over a job. So I did and I do. And I'm so very happy. I make way less money, but it's worth it.

Are you in your comfort zone?
See above. I think I am in a comfort zone, and while at one time in my life, I saw that as a bad thing and tried to shake things up constantly, I love being comfortable now. I'm excited for the next thigns in *my* life that being in a comfort zone affords me, such as having a child soon or going on vacations for a week, or just being comfortable enough to be happy when I'm not at work.

In conclusion,

You are amazing! You will be amazing at anything you do!
Posts: 197
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm

Re: Woah

Post by Lucretia »

You are amazing! You will be amazing at anything you do!


Not as amazing as YOU!

I have changed my mind as to my career choice, I would like to be your Chief Pie & Fireman Supplier (anytime, any flavour, anywhere).
Posts: 197
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm

Self-indulgent update, and thanks

Post by Lucretia »

Y'all are so sweet. And interesting!

So I went for a day's work in a primary school as a prep (I have worked with kids for years but not in a classroom environment) and it was A-MA-ZING.

The kids were just fantastic, so eager to please, and eager to communicate with me (albiet in a completely haphazard fashion, which I love). I could see opportunities to help everywhere, although I was only briefly assisting and couldn't overstep the mark. I could really see me doing this. Man I miss working with kids.

So I was helping the easily distracted kids, which was a big compliment, helping them focus on their work. That was rewarding. And DAMN difficult!

I've worked with kids before for years, but this just reminded me of how much I love working with them.

My favourite quotes from the kids; (usually after two seconds of being in their company - they are so trusting!)

"Miss!!! MISSS! My dog is called Elvis!" (this would be a great chat up line ....)

"Hullo. Are you our new teacher?"

"Do you have to go now? Oh that's a shame. Can you not come back another day? Boo!"

"Thank you for being so kind to me. You are kind." (AW!!!)


Even if I don't get this place - I'll go and work in London, which I've always wanted to do. And I won't end myself over not getting a place. I'll be proud to have come this far! It's an immensely competitive course.

Either way - onwards and upwards!

PS I did have the interview today. I have "no" vibes. But I am proud of how I performed.

I'll let you know. And thank you for your support. It was good to "offload" here.
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