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Actually just watched Buffy series for the first time

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:30 am
by uptoolate
I know you all have gone on to talking about lots of different things now that Buffy has been finished for a while. But seriously, this is the first year I've watched it. I grew up with it and all, but I just always thought I was too cool for it even though I watched both Roswell and Angel.

And now I'm seriously in love with it. I've sped through five and a half seasons in like two months. Granted, I'm a college student so it's quite easy for me to devour whole series with the amount of time I waste online "doing homework." But I absolutely can't believe I missed this while it was on air. :/

Re: Actually just watched Buffy series for the first time

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:22 pm
by costello_girl
Welcome to our 'verse! :D It is pretty special here, although not quite a populated as previously.

Now go get Firefly.

Re: Actually just watched Buffy series for the first time

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:31 pm
by Sarah
I'm jealous of you, uptoolate. Watching Buffy for the first time is a wonderful thing. I'm in a slightly similar position to yours, in that I'm watching Lost for the first time right now, but the experience can't compare.

Savor these moments.

Re: Actually just watched Buffy series for the first time

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:53 am
by uptoolate
I've watched a couple episodes of Firefly, although I didn't get nearly this into it. I've been blazing through these seasons.

Odd thing is, I actually watched Angel first because I was young and thought I was too cool for Buffy since it was "cheesier." But honestly, I'm beginning to doubt which one I like more. The Buffyverse is definitely amazingly developed. Also, I'm beginning to get rather a crush on Spike, versus my Angel crush of old, so maybe I'm biased??

Joyce just died :( I cried. Plowing through more episodes... Oh the college student life.

Re: Actually just watched Buffy series for the first time

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:39 am
by Dr. Unholy
You can go ahead and turn it off around Season Six.

I kid, I kid. Stop it at Tabula Rasa.

I was actually quite similar to you in that I thought I was too cool for the show and didn't start watching until the mid-point of Season Five, largely due to the influence of the video game, which got me curious to see the show. Like the poster above said, I'm almost jealous of you, watching Buffy for the first time was an amazingly fun time in front of the TV.

Speaking of Joyce dying, I've still only seen that episode once. It's just too heart-breakingly sad to rewatch. :cry: