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WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:41 am
by mgan
July 11th 11:38pm PST.

Mgan is tired, but has prep'd the diapers for the night, made up four bottles, and boiled more water for tomorrow's bottles.

July 11th 10:00

Mgan and Iago give the new show Flashpoint a try and agree they'll watch it again next week and see if it stays interesting.

July 11th 7:00

Mgan and Iago have pie. With ice cream.

WDer status update...

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:40 am
by Sarah
Sarah is tired, as usual, and hopes she'll have the gumption to honor her promise to go to the bar this afternoon to make pitchers of mojitos for the assembled company.

She's also most interested to read that the two of you liked Flashpoint enough to decide to watch it next week, since she recorded it yesterday evening.

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:54 am
by Sam_Spade
WDer status update...

12th July

09:45 ~ Sam_Spade arrives at his hairdresser for a trim and on a whim decide to try something involves gel :shock:

12:00 ~ Sam_Spade arrives home from supermarket loaded down with goodies, but no chocolate :o not sure how long i'll hold out this time.

12:50 ~ Sam_Spade wonders what Flashpoint is about, and if it'll make it over here.

12:52 ~ Sam_Spade submits post and goes on a fridge raid.

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:38 am
by MenleyNin
9:16 a.m.: Menley realizes she has been up and (mostly) at 'em for 26 consecutive hours but has still not managed to solve the algae problem in her pool, despite adding so many chemicals that she will likely permanently preserve herself and anyone else who chooses to take a dip in said tiny body of water in the next few days.

9:24 a.m.: Menley resolves to polish off her BLT (minus the L and T, and with Smart Balance mayo and cheapo mustard on homemade sourdough bread) and then put the clean linens on her bed before downing a couple of sleep tablets and hopefully catching a few hours of Zzzzs.

9:33 a.m. Menley realizes she's still checking her spelling and grammar on this post while burping up toasted sesame seeds from last night's bulgogi. She's disgusted by herself and skeedaddles in shame.

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:27 am
by peaks
I’m spending the day with sisters and the ‘phew.


Sister to peaks: “Josh (a beeb) is all bunged up. Poor scrap has a cold”

Sister sees Josh ogling :shock: peaks’ guitar. Peaks thinks to self, oh God, no. NO, NO, NO.

Sister to, brother of 26 years, peaks: “would you mind if Josh touches your guitar?”

Peaks looks bemused, looks at smiley happy baby, says “um, okay” :?

Sister to peaks: “his hands are all snotty?”

Peaks sighs and nods whilst hoping he projected enough bad atmosphere into the room for sister to read and for ‘phew to remain otherworldly ‘appy.



11:02 - 16:26pm.

Peaks spends day with sisters and ‘phew.... on the computer. :ugeek:

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:03 am
by mouse
10:30 am - mouse wakes up

10:35 am - mouse put on the coffee

10:37 am - mouse goes back to bed and gets on the computer

10:39 am - The Boy cooks breakfast for mouse. French Toast. :D :D :D

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:18 pm
by Sarah
4:17 p.m.

Sarah has returned from the bar, where the mojitos were a hit (especially with her--she consumed about 500 of them) and has fed the animals and washed their dishes. She is now enjoying a large glass of water.

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:09 pm
by Sam_Spade
WDer status update...

13th July.

01:07 GMT ~ Sam_Spade is watching the 3rd disc of Firefly, and is enjoying it very much. :D

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:26 pm
by mgan
WDer Status Update

July 11 6:23pm. Iago, Mgan, and beeb have returned from an outing to the library where beeb selected a few books, a Raffi CD and some beeb/mom yoga DVDs followed by a quick dinner at the local sushi restaurant. Beeb slept through most of dinner and then just hung out in his stroller for the rest of the meal. Iago and Mgan had much sushi... all the while ready to switch to take-away if beeb should so demand.

All this topped off with a quick drive-though DQ dessert run.

Re: WDer Status Update

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:46 pm
by MenleyNin
8:46 p.m.

Menley, who is cranky, feverish and burning up, is sprawled naked on the couch, limbs splayed everywhere. In absolutely no mood to be touched, she screams, "I'm going to want to put my legs together eventually, so would you just f%cking get off of me?!?"

Nigel pulls his head off her knee, sniffs, and saunters away.

Stupid cat.