SoCal Fires... (UPDATE 01/19/09)

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SoCal Fires... (UPDATE 01/19/09)

Post by BigEvil »

Hey guys.

Just wanted to start an all inclusive post regarding the SoCal fires. If you'd like to check in and let your WD family know you're okay, or would like to share your experiences, feel free.

Also, because loved ones of mine have been directly affected by this disaster, here would be a good place to share charity/donation info for the victims whether they be human or animal.

As for my personal experiences. It's been snowing ash for a few days. The sky looks like something out of a warzone. Breathing is not pleasant.

Two good friends, a couple married for only a year, were caught by a flash fire trying to get to their car. Both were able to get to their car and drive to help, but they suffered some bad burns and lost all they owned. The news article, if somewhat sensationalized, can be found here a bit down the page: ... o\ r_life/

I will be posting charity/donation info for them as soon as things are setup. Also, to my SoCal friends. If you have any furniture, appliances, or electronics you've been needing to get rid of and willing to donate, please let me know.

Anyhow, I'm fine. I'm not in any direct danger, unless you count breathing.
Last edited by BigEvil on Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SoCal Fires...

Post by bettie »

Oh, I am so sorry about your friends. I hope they will be all right.

I was also quite touched by the story of a family with a one week old baby and a three year old. They evacuated to safety but with only a few minutes' notice, and lost everything. I am putting together some of Sam's old things for the baby. The info is here: ... still.html

When you know, let me know what your friends need and I'll see if I can help.

We are safe, nowhere near the fires' paths. The air has been kind of gross but fortunately we were able to run the air conditioning this weekend and avoid the worst of it.
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Re: SoCal Fires...

Post by CassyLee »

Hi Rich, I'm sorry to hear about your friends. I hope they'll be okay. I don't have any furniture that I've been planning to get rid of, but I'll check my cupboards for appliances & such.

I've got several friends (and my parents) who are near the 'freeway complex' fire, but so far all have reported in safe & sound and the fires have moved away from all of them. Personally, I've found the lousy air has caused a relapse in a cold I was recovering from, but that's a minor grievance in the grand scheme of things (hell, even in the small scheme of things, it's a picayune complaint, but it's mine, so I'll make it.)
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Re: SoCal Fires...

Post by tinkcat »

Oh, Rich, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends.

I got a new computer a couple of months ago and was planning to donate my old one to a school or something, but your friends are welcome to it. It's a few years old but still in decent shape and has a monitor and speakers and all the cables. The one problem with it is that it overheats and shuts itself off if left on constantly, but works fine if you turn it off at night. I'll get the rest of my stuff off it and reformat it, just let me know how to get it to them. I'll see if I can dig up anything else, also.

The fires haven't really affected anything up here in Studio City. The air isn't even hazy. I'm glad you're okay, and hopefully your air will clean up soon. [hug]
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Re: SoCal Fires...

Post by BigEvil »

Hey everyone.

For those who don't read my LJ, I've put up a website for my friends Lance and Carla. Currently it has a medical update on their condition and information on a fund created for them. Thanks.
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Location: Lost Angels


Post by BigEvil »

I just wanted to let everyone know that my friends who were victims of the "Tea House" fire in Santa Barbara are out of the hospital and doing well. We even have a very low quality picture up of them on the website.

I was also able to get them a 20 second TV piece on Santa Barbara news with the chance of a longer one with an interview if the family agrees to it.

And you to everyone that has kept them in their prayers and thoughts.
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