A question about Caprica the series (OT)

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A question about Caprica the series (OT)

Post by sourdust »

I checked the dates for BSG season 4.5 and I noticed that they're finally supposed to air Caprica the series, but I couldn't find a date for the airing on Space in Canada. The dates for the US and UK were also unclear (it seems like it was supposed to air in the U.K. this month.)
Does anyone know when it's supposed to air?
Posts: 190
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:58 pm

Re: A question about Caprica the series (OT)

Post by Ghost »

IMDB lists the release date as December 2008. I don't know how accurate that is and even if that is the planned release date, it might change.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue May 31, 2011 4:47 pm.
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