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The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:46 am
by mouse
i am mosue..
i am bvery drunk and i want to be spanked right now.

i blow goats/


Edit: Here are my pics! Anyone who was there is free to copy these. I can't wait to see others' pictures, too!

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:51 am
by CosmicAvatar
It's funny 'cos its' tgrue.

OK that was me and I'm so h=gion g to hell.

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:56 am
by kirielle
I'm not drunk...but I have just admitted to a serious item of blackmail.

Ut oh.


Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:00 am
by Bally
Itr's my turn. Apparently, a wizaed did it - he took me to cLIFORNIA I am suprirsed and anejoying myself. Incredibly,. I asm not tired! something has fone wrong with my bodily system. Gasp.

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:07 am
by Cazzle of the bunnies in LA
I have no chuffing clue what the title of this post is all about.

We are all here, playing the third or fourth game of ring of fire. Today has been AWESOME. We had breakfast at IHOP, walked down the beach, bought yummy foods in for the party and then, well, had a party. And we still are!!

We are surrounded by cackling banshees. Please send help.

NO WAIT, JUST KIDDING. This party is SO MUCH FUN!!! Bet you wish you were here too, buahahaha. xxxx

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:18 am
by MmeAlbertine
Here I am! Backspace is my friend, and curse all you who decided other things wre more inmportant then being JERE! I love all of you. Really. I have to leave tomorrow, or really, later today, and it's totally not fair. I got to meat some of my favorite internet weirdos, except Mindi, and only be3cause she's in fucking Hawaii, and really, what does Hawaii have that we dion;t? We have IHOP, and the ring of Fire, and Sam. Or did have Sam. He left with His parents, but is kjust as adorable in perosn as he is in pictures. i played fetch with Sam, just ask. Giveing up the computer to someone else now. Hi all!

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:30 am
by mouse
I did NOT blow a goat. That was Cosmic Amanda! We are playing ring of fire. I guess I can still type when I'm druynk. well almost. LA is graetr. My hair is HUGE though. help the grammar police are here!!!!

i am not the only one who snorts when she laughs, so THERE.

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:31 am
by CassyLee
Woohoo! I have WDers in my house!!!

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:37 am
by Callie
cassy's house is magic - deespite 4 drinks, I am not drunk. A badly placed shift key means some missed caps though.

We have photos of shenanigans.

Rian's funny. And drunk. And a great person for the "I have never" cards on ring of fire... mwa ha ha.

OK and on y va...

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:56 am
by MenleyNin
You guys, this country girl is in the big time now. I feel like Babe, Pig in the City. Except for the whole pig part.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go rifle through Cassy's medicine cabinet. I heard she was hiding the Hope Diamond in there.