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Post by Stussy88 »

Sarah wrote:The thing is, SB, breaking campaign promises is what politicians do, and even if Obama turns out to be Clinton redux, he'll still be a huge improvement over what we've had for the last eight years.
I have to agree with your first sentiments. Sad but true.
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Post by Stussy88 »

I couldn't resist this one


BTW, Never answer a survey on TV. You just don't know what their motives are and they might want to make you look very stupid
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Post by Ghost »

I can't stand when people say that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. My opinion is that we would be just as screwed no matter which candidate won. While that video is just a propaganda piece, it does demonstrate the problem with American politics, the public is just too stupid to cast an intelligent vote and the media will do whatever they can to sensationalize everything to get ratings and money.
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Post by Stussy88 »

Ghost wrote:I can't stand when people say that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. My opinion is that we would be just as screwed no matter which candidate won. While that video is just a propaganda piece, it does demonstrate the problem with American politics, the public is just too stupid to cast an intelligent vote and the media will do whatever they can to sensationalize everything to get ratings and money.
Yes. I agree.
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:57 pm


Post by Troll »

Stussy88 wrote:
Ghost wrote:I can't stand when people say that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. My opinion is that we would be just as screwed no matter which candidate won. While that video is just a propaganda piece, it does demonstrate the problem with American politics, the public is just too stupid to cast an intelligent vote and the media will do whatever they can to sensationalize everything to get ratings and money.
Yes. I agree.
Yeah the 'scientific poll' in that video couldn't be more a biased propaganda piece. It implies that Obama voters are uninformed because they don't know the names of every single person in Congress as if McCain voters would fare any better in such a poll. It just proves most people aren't heavily politically informed. Plus, the group that thinks of itself as most informed (the Limbaugh watchers) are the most misinformed. They should have asked a question like, "Which U.S. President has run the country into the biggest debt ever and is infamous for using the office to increase his own wealth and was known to be planning to invade Iraq from the day he took office as part of his agenda and had already told advisors to find him a reason?"
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Post by Stussy88 »

Troll wrote:
Stussy88 wrote:
Ghost wrote:I can't stand when people say that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. My opinion is that we would be just as screwed no matter which candidate won. While that video is just a propaganda piece, it does demonstrate the problem with American politics, the public is just too stupid to cast an intelligent vote and the media will do whatever they can to sensationalize everything to get ratings and money.
Yes. I agree.
Yeah the 'scientific poll' in that video couldn't be more a biased propaganda piece. It implies that Obama voters are uninformed because they don't know the names of every single person in Congress as if McCain voters would fare any better in such a poll. It just proves most people aren't heavily politically informed. Plus, the group that thinks of itself as most informed (the Limbaugh watchers) are the most misinformed. They should have asked a question like, "Which U.S. President has run the country into the biggest debt ever and is infamous for using the office to increase his own wealth and was known to be planning to invade Iraq from the day he took office as part of his agenda and had already told advisors to find him a reason?"
Again, I agree. (This is an odd feeling!)
Posts: 31
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Post by Stussy88 »

Okay, the figures are all a bit 'la-la-land' but as I read it, the President elect is now about to spend $500B to create two and a half million jobs. Assuming he's right, anyone care to take a punt at the maths?

$200,000 per job.

Anyone see the flaw in the logic?
Posts: 8
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Post by Mary »

How did this post warp into the Stussy88 conservative opinion forum?

Going back to the feelings expressed at the beginning of the thread, election night was a moment in history to be remembered and if I had been thinking, I would have taped it. Yes, the uglier side of politics is already breaking through, but nothing can take away from the euphoria much of the nation felt on election night. Also, I just received a Christmas card from the Obamas this week for helping out in the campaign. :)

It is interesting to think how many things happened in this election cycle that will change American politics forever. I believe it could be true the media played a role in helping Obama get elected because they liked him. But you know what? I don't care. The election was the reason I decided to subscribe to cable again for the first time in about two years. I started watching MSNBC and fell in love with their no holds barred, tell it like it is, liberal left take on everything politics.

Also, McCain does seem so much happier and almost relieved in the recent public appearances he's made, most recently I think on Letterman.
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