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peaks (aka hole punch)


Post by peaks (aka hole punch) »

Stussy88 wrote:
JupiterAmy wrote:
Stussy88 wrote:I also liked the imagery of her with a rifle, but I won't gross you with the obvious reasons!
You're a virgin, aren't you?
No, in fact, to my absolute joy and delight, I'm about to be a father :D for the first time
Congratulations (on being an about to be father).

What a peculiar thread this has been. To round things off, Obama is the Messiah... and some parenting advice from a juvenile delinquent?

Don't buy this potential disaffected youth a car, a gun, or give him/her freedom of the SB household. A sinisterbrit uniform would be cool! Oh, and I'm genuinely not criticising your parental skills before you parent :D Hehe. It's funny how parents are allowed to be dictators. Do we forget that politicians are often parents, too? Can they truly lead double lives without the lines becoming blurred? *ponders*

Great scotto, President-Elect Obama has children! TWO. :o
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Post by JupiterAmy »

Stussy88 wrote: No, in fact, to my absolute joy and delight, I'm about to be a father :D for the first time
You're sure this time, right? I sort of remember you saying you'd dodged this particular bullet before.

Anyway, sorry for my skepticism, but I had to check. You see, the more I watch you grasp and claw for any scrap of attention or viability in some obscure corner of the internet, the harder it is for me to imagine that you have close or meaningful relationships with people in the real world. Also, it seems to me that you spend much too much energy trying to convince some internet souls that you are in fact having lots and lots of sex for someone who is actually getting any. And frankly, I don't think I've ever met anyone who has put so much evident time and effort into such an elaborate sexual fantasy life as you have. I read the synopsis for your book and, well ... Halle Berry would never fuck you. There's not a world where it would happen. Sorry James. Stu. Whatever.

But if you did in fact succeed in getting a real woman to let you touch her, then, good job.
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:47 pm


Post by starshine »


Ummmm...SinisterBrit was banned? How long ago was that? I didn't even notice he was gone.

Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:54 pm


Post by Stussy88 »

JupiterAmy wrote:
Stussy88 wrote: No, in fact, to my absolute joy and delight, I'm about to be a father :D for the first time
You're sure this time, right? I sort of remember you saying you'd dodged this particular bullet before.

Anyway, sorry for my skepticism, but I had to check. You see, the more I watch you grasp and claw for any scrap of attention or viability in some obscure corner of the internet, the harder it is for me to imagine that you have close or meaningful relationships with people in the real world. Also, it seems to me that you spend much too much energy trying to convince some internet souls that you are in fact having lots and lots of sex for someone who is actually getting any. And frankly, I don't think I've ever met anyone who has put so much evident time and effort into such an elaborate sexual fantasy life as you have. I read the synopsis for your book and, well ... Halle Berry would never fuck you. There's not a world where it would happen. Sorry James. Stu. Whatever.

But if you did in fact succeed in getting a real woman to let you touch her, then, good job.
Yes, happily, I'm sure this time. In fairness I can't believe you've seen me do anything at all on the internet for the last 18 months or so, so the comment seems a tad nonsensical. As you don't know me, implying my sex life is fantasy seems a very pejorative conclusion to draw, but free speech, free country, you can of course think whatever you wish or indeed make mocking or insulting comments to your hearts content. I shall refrain from doing likewise.

And Pul-lease, the character is not some air-head actress (!) she is in fact the very nemesis of the ultra-superficial 'look-at-me, look-at-me' Hollywood types. I would have thought the surname was a clue but as it seems to have eluded you, look up W.E.B. DuBois on Wikipedia. Again she IS NOT Halle Berry. Emerson certainly isn't me as I'm not a journalist, and if you did ever read the book (yes, I know, unlikely to put it mildly!), you would see he is very different from both the reality and indeed your perception.

I am sadly, forced to agree with your point about Halle Berry however, it does seem rather unlikely that she would conclude that her best course of action would be to hook up with an obscure Welshman, albeit, the point is wholly non sequitur.

Again, thanks for your final point; you seem oddly fixated with the sex life of someone else? If I was I given to pop psychology I would draw the obvious conclusion, but one of the drawbacks of being a gentleman is that one is occasionally obliged to behave like one.
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:54 pm


Post by Stussy88 »

Sadly UK gun laws precude the possibility of me buying him/her anything in the way of a handgun. If he/she is interested, she could of course buy one unlawfully from the welter of illegal weapons now on our streets ~ UK gun criminals seem to have ignored the ban and are rejoicing in having legally disarmed victims.

I figuring on tough love as a parent so let him/her buy their own car after a summer of work somewhere plus weekends. I was at university with too many kids who were given cars and it didn't help their motivation much.

Not really keen on uniforms, as I think they suppress the individual to the collective, the last thing I'd want.

Your point about parents/dictators? Very good analogy. I'm resistant to politicos thinking themselves to be MY parent! Judging by the various idiotic advice spewing from government these days, they really seem themselves in loco parentis
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:54 pm


Post by Stussy88 »

starshine wrote:Doh!

Ummmm...SinisterBrit was banned? How long ago was that? I didn't even notice he was gone.

Don't worry, I'm sure a re-run could be staged in the near future :lol:
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:37 pm


Post by JupiterAmy »

Well, SB, you got me there. I certainly do not know you. As such, I guess I'll just have to accept everything you say. Because what cause would you have to repeatedly aggrandize yourself on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer message board? None, I'm sure. And if that's what you were doing, it would be completely transparent to all and sundry, which is clearly not the case. I mean, you're a published author for goodness sake!

How did you go about publishing a book by yourself, by the way? The cover art is A+.
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:54 pm


Post by Stussy88 »

JupiterAmy wrote:Well, SB, you got me there. I certainly do not know you. As such, I guess I'll just have to accept everything you say. Because what cause would you have to repeatedly aggrandize yourself on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer message board? None, I'm sure. And if that's what you were doing, it would be completely transparent to all and sundry, which is clearly not the case. I mean, you're a published author for goodness sake!

How did you go about publishing a book by yourself, by the way? The cover art is A+.
repeatedly aggrandize myself ?? With half a dozen posts on a site I've not been on for over a year? Your charge is not supported by the facts.

If you are looking to publish a book I would be more than happy to share my experiences with you, by all means PM me (if that function is not available on the temporary board, please e-mail singleactsoftyranny@yahoo.co.uk)

Alternatively, punch the ISBN into a web browser for details of how the book was published.

If your final point is serious, I will pass on your kind words to the designer.
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:54 pm


Post by Stussy88 »

Rob wrote:President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama. President-Elect Obama.

It's fun to type that. It really is. :D
This was also fun to type, I know Obama's campaign was more or less content-free and when he did stray into the area of specifics he got in a muddle but at least he can deliver "Change we can believe in" right? Well if the cabinet speculation is right......

Tom Daschle ~ Secretary of Health and Human Services, Washington insider since 1978

Eric Holder ~ Attorney General, Employed by the justice department in 1976 and appointed deputy attorney general under Janet Reno by Clinton (and helpfully assisted in the presidential pardon of Marc Rich)

Bob Gates ~ Defence, no actual change at all on perhaps the biggest political issue of the last four years

Janet Napolitano ~ Homeland security, appointed by Clinton as District Attorney for Arizona in more than 15 years ago.

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton ~ Secretary of State, well you all know she is the only first lady in history to be subpoenaed by the grand jury, but change?

Same old faces really
Posts: 106
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:34 am


Post by Sarah »

The thing is, SB, breaking campaign promises is what politicians do, and even if Obama turns out to be Clinton redux, he'll still be a huge improvement over what we've had for the last eight years.
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