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Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:46 pm
by JupiterAmy
Stussy88 wrote:No, I was totally banned, I just couldn't be bothered to go to the trouble of signing on from a new URL in another username and I thought the quality of debate, (or lets be honest, any debate) might be slightly better if someone was opposed to the Obamessiah.
I think you misunderstand the concept of being banned.


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:15 pm
by talula
JupiterAmy wrote:
I think you misunderstand the concept of being banned.

This is an amusing conversation. Moreso than the one with Obama.


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:22 pm
by Stussy88
And there was me thinking that liberals believed in rehabilitation of offenders?

Or could this be a contradiction of the liberal conscience?

Seriously, bans are totally pointless, I can just go to anyone of a dozen free internet points around her and register as Charlie, or Hole punch and as the ISP would be different, no-one would know without NSA style textual analysis. Really, I'm not the only person in the world who thinks like this, check out this Ayn Rand fansite


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:42 pm
by Fuchsia
Hahaha, so if you believe in the rehabilitation of offenders you are expected to invite someone who stole your wallet over for Sunday lunch?

Also, there are more persuasive arguments than "Oh yeah? Well, a bunch of Ayn Rand fans agree with me."


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:13 am
by Stussy88
Well, first off, I didn't steal anything, nor come to that, do much at all back in the day. But I agree, if someone had stolen your wallet, you should lock 'em up. You may want to think about impeachment when Obama's first budget goes through because your wallet will be repeatedly stolen regardless of "tax cuts for 95% of Americans" look at the net effect. Though in fairness, he has moved on from earmarks for the wife's hospital and then her salary mysteriously doubling! Tell me what you would call that? Ever wonder how the lifestyle was funded?

But in truth I cast an eye to this site (for the frst time in about 18 months or so) just to see if there was an analysis of Obama's strengths and weaknesses. I could not resist some counterpoints in the general love-in.

I hadn't planned to post much more, but if the balance of the next few posts is for me to "clear off" I will, voluntarily. If anyone is interested much in understanding the positions I adopt (foor some reason) you might want to cast an eye at this wonderful novel or ... 740&sr=8-1

I can speak for the author (as it is of course, me!)


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:32 am
by Sarah
Hi, SB. I've missed you. A good contrarian does wonders for a board.

As for Obama, I would love it if he were the superhero we all wish him to be, but I'll be content if he only manages to be as good as Clinton, whom I didn't much like but who was vastly preferable to the Bushes that flanked him, much less He Who Shall Not Be Named who came before. Indeed, Obama really shouldn't be required to be quite as effective as Clinton, since he's inheriting a far larger mess than Bill did.

I think the Republicans wanted to lose this election, knowing the condition the country was in and fully aware that it is going to get much worse very quickly. In my more paranoid moods, I even think McCain was actively given the brief to lose, which at least would account for Palin. That's probably just wishful thinking, though: I would like so much not to believe that anyone truly thought she was a good choice.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:52 am
by Stussy88
Thank you. You are only the second person I've ever known use the word 'contrarian' the first being Peter Hitchens.

Palin is someone like say Mrs Clinton, who will polarise most people. You either love her, or don't get her at all. For me, I thought if you really want change, then stick an outsider in as VP with the very real chance she would take over when McCain croaks in about ten minutes. For all the talk, it looks like Obama's cabinet selections are the same old faces ~ some change.

I liked the fact she had a son about to deploy in Iraq. Whether or not you support the war, there is nothing more odious than politicos who send other people's children to war, whilst keeping their own safe. For me this showed a degree of straightforwardness. I also liked the imagery of her with a rifle, but I won't gross you with the obvious reasons! Above all, the fact she wasn't an obvious politician was a plus for me. I had hoped she would be like Thatcher.

The religious nut-job stuff was hard to bear and she would be wise in future to be like Tony Blair who, if his conversion to catholicism is anything to go by, chooses to believe some massively unlikely, indeed impossible things, but he shut-up about it. She should do likewise.

I'm not certain she will be the choice in 2012. From the little I know of US politics, it has to be Bobby Jindal if the Republicans have a brain cell between them ~ so stand by for a Huckabee/Romney "dream ticket"


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:07 pm
by Callie
For fuck's sake, Stu.

I've not seen anyone here hail Obama as the messiah. You're confusing relief that the Monkey is out of the big white house - and someone with two brain cells that seem to communicate once in a while is now going to take his place - with believing that Obama can do anything and is God.

Which grossly underestimates the intelligence of everyone here. Obama's inheriting a whole pile of crap that he has to mend. He is a man, not a God, and people I've heard on TV have been careful to stress that he is only human, and can only do his best. I'm sure he'll make mistakes. He's human, and I would stake my student loan on the Presidency being one of the hardest jobs on the planet. I don't think there ever will be a perfect President, one who makes no mistakes.

But could at least let people have their 5 minutes of "woohoo" and "yay!" before you come in and piss all over the party? The fact that you came back to a group you were banned for, and then proceed to do this, makes it even more ugly.

Debating is one thing. There's a time and place for that. This was a thread to celebrate people getting the President they voted for - can't you respect that, and save debate for another thread?

From the little I know of the candidates, Obama seemed a decent guy - which is saying a lot for a politician. Same goes for Biden. Obama won, I'm happy. Which is good enough for me.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:22 pm
by JupiterAmy
Stussy88 wrote:I also liked the imagery of her with a rifle, but I won't gross you with the obvious reasons!
You're a virgin, aren't you?


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:13 pm
by Lucretia
Callie wrote:For fuck's sake, Stu.

I've not seen anyone here hail Obama as the messiah. You're confusing relief that the Monkey is out of the big white house - and someone with two brain cells that seem to communicate once in a while is now going to take his place - with believing that Obama can do anything and is God.

Which grossly underestimates the intelligence of everyone here. Obama's inheriting a whole pile of crap that he has to mend. He is a man, not a God, and people I've heard on TV have been careful to stress that he is only human, and can only do his best. I'm sure he'll make mistakes. He's human, and I would stake my student loan on the Presidency being one of the hardest jobs on the planet. I don't think there ever will be a perfect President, one who makes no mistakes.

But could at least let people have their 5 minutes of "woohoo" and "yay!" before you come in and piss all over the party? The fact that you came back to a group you were banned for, and then proceed to do this, makes it even more ugly.

Debating is one thing. There's a time and place for that. This was a thread to celebrate people getting the President they voted for - can't you respect that, and save debate for another thread?

From the little I know of the candidates, Obama seemed a decent guy - which is saying a lot for a politician. Same goes for Biden. Obama won, I'm happy. Which is good enough for me.
Although I totally see what you are saying, when Blair was elected in 1997 (I voted otherwise) I STILL, despite my 18 year old youthful optimism, realised that within 2 years, people who voted him in would be bitching and whining that he wasn't, in fact, a saviour, as most of the country seemed to portray him.

Obama seems to me like a good guy, and what he did 40 years after the civil rights movement is amazing. But unless we have a healthy dose of scepticism we risk creating an idol of him.