Shit, guys, I'm sorry

A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

The posts made here will not appear on the real WD when it re-opens.

Please note that I won't be providing any technical support for this board, as I would prefer to focus my attention on fixing the other board. So, if you're confused by anything, just try to figure things out, search the phpBB forums, ask other users for help, or just bear with it.
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:02 pm

Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by Callie »

Become an honorary Devonian (or Italian)... it'll get done when it gets done. As long as the coffee's brewing, everything else is good.

You have more than enough on your plate, and if it's any comfort, you've got a bunch of people here who would love to offer help or time (or just food, if you're kitchenless). I hope everything calms down for you soon.
Duane Dibley

Re: Shit, guys, I'm sorry

Post by Duane Dibley »

I too am familiar with the pain of house moving, shitty jobs (or shitty non-jobs) and dodgy PCs (WHY DO YOU KEEP LOCKING UP AFTER TEN MINUTES, YOU DAMN MACHINE?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?)


I'm sure absolutely nobody will object to you taking exactly as much time as you need to get your stuff sorted, and that comes way above the board restoration work. Good luck.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:49 am.
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