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Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:58 pm

Re: Pussies

Post by bettie »

Phoebe wrote:my 21st birthday dinner (!!!) so I'm LEGAL
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:35 am

Re: Pussies

Post by Jenny »

I have two mega-sized fishtanks (three and a half foot and four foot) and two ickle ones. In the three and a half footer I have a big grey Lionhead goldfish, Margo, and a big black moor (the bobbly-eyed ones) who we haven't named yet, and they're both about the size of a large jar of Nescafe. There's another smaller orange Lionhead called Barlow who's a little shit, and a small black Ranchu named Sharlee. They share their tank with a rusty plecostomus (sucker fish) called Mustaine, and a small army of ornamental snails who do most of my cleaning work for me. I reward them weekly with potatoes and cucumbers.
In the four footer, I have a random mob of tropical fish including white Gouramis, neons, swordtails and various other tetras, danios, rasboras, boring community fish. I want to do something better with that tank because it's big enough to house something more interesting but I haven't got the heart to turf out all the little ones. :|
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Re: Pussies

Post by MenleyNin »

I have a brindle boxer who came with the house. I've never had a dog before and don't really like them very much, but I lurve her so much it hurts. She's beautiful and gentle and loves me right back. Her name is Lou, but she's called Louise, Lula Bell, Lucy Lui, and Louisa May Alcott depending on my mood.

I also have two cats named Nigel and Quentin. They were so named because when I took them home from the pound they were so distraught that they just watched me, so I called them Watchers for about a week. Now they fear nothing. Nigel is solid black and wants to be practically up my ass all the damn time. Quentin is a long-haired gray tabby who is very aloof unless he wants something. Sort of like a teenager that pisses on everything.

And I just recently bought a red betta. His name is Scott Hope. Not Scott. Not Hope. Scott Hope: whole name every time.
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