Let that be a lesson to them all!

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Let that be a lesson to them all!

Post by mouse »

Woman Shoots Self While Trying to Kill Mice

POTTER VALLEY, Calif. — A Mendocino County woman who was trying to kill mice in her trailer with a gun ended up shooting herself and another person.

The 43-year-old woman pulled out her .44-caliber Magnum revolver after she saw the mice scurrying across the floor of her trailer on Highway 20 in Potter Valley, sheriff's officials said.

But she accidentally dropped the gun, which went off as it struck the floor. The bullet went through the woman's kneecap, bounced off the keys sitting on the belt loop of a 42-year-old man in the trailer and grazed the man's groin before ending up in his coin pocket.

Authorities did not release the shooting victims' names.

The mice escaped the shooting unharmed.
Don't fuck with the mice. We will take you down.
Last edited by mouse on Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

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"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin
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Re: Let that be a lesson to them all!

Post by bettie »


Oh man, I needed that.
Posts: 24
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Re: Let that be a lesson to them all!

Post by Sylvain »

The bullet went through the woman's kneecap, bounced off the keys sitting on the belt loop of a 42-year-old man in the trailer and grazed the man's groin before ending up in his coin pocket.
This reads like the description of a pool shot: "Kneecap, keys, groin, corner pocket"

Re: Let that be a lesson to them all!

Post by JupiterAmy »

Don't get me wrong, I'd really like to laugh, but,
The bullet went through the woman's kneecap
this prevents me. Fucking ow.
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Re: Let that be a lesson to them all!

Post by grace »

Mice - 1 Gunowners - 0. I like the score.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:54 pm

Re: Let that be a lesson to them all!

Post by Dellraven »


That is beyond awesome. The last line, of course, is the best.
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