Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

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Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by mouse »

Arrgh! Ok, this has happened a few times, and the only way it gets resolved is when it decides to not do it anymore.

What happens is: Once in a while, when I try to access the internet on my shiny new laptop, Firefox tells me that it can't access the page (any page I try). When I click to have Windows diagnose the problem, it says that the wireless network security key is not correct. Which is bullshit. It IS correct, and I can retype it 6 ways to Sunday, and it will still say it is incorrect. The only thing I can do is WAIT (usually hours) for it to decide to work again.

Any suggestions? Please? I'm very frustrated and have considered throwing the whole mess out the window.

UPDATE: Ok, I unplugged and replugged the different connections on the router, and now it works. But I don't understand this whole mess. Can anyone explain to me what was wrong and what about the unplugging and replugging corrected it?

So to be so vague. :oops:
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin

Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by bettika »

I have NO IDEA what's happening or WHY unplugging and/or turning things off helps, but I can tell you that EVERY SINGLE TIME I've had a problem with my wireless, that's done the trick. I suspect it just needs to sort of reset. I tend to treat my modem and router as my sweet little short bus electronics. "OK, you're tired and acting out. Here, have a lollipop and lie down a minute."
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Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by Ghost »

Are you having a problem with the computer not connecting to the internet when you start up? I had the same problem. First question, does it connect when you change the type of security?

If that's the case, you will have to download something from Microsoft. Unfortunately, I can't find the information where I discovered this. My recommendation would be to contact the router manufacturer's website and ask them.

Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by Delle »

mouse wrote:Arrgh! Ok, this has happened a few times, and the only way it gets resolved is when it decides to not do it anymore.

What happens is: Once in a while, when I try to access the internet on my shiny new laptop, Firefox tells me that it can't access the page (any page I try). When I click to have Windows diagnose the problem, it says that the wireless network security key is not correct. Which is bullshit. It IS correct, and I can retype it 6 ways to Sunday, and it will still say it is incorrect. The only thing I can do is WAIT (usually hours) for it to decide to work again.

Any suggestions? Please? I'm very frustrated and have considered throwing the whole mess out the window.

UPDATE: Ok, I unplugged and replugged the different connections on the router, and now it works. But I don't understand this whole mess. Can anyone explain to me what was wrong and what about the unplugging and replugging corrected it?

So to be so vague. :oops:
Well, I can't tell you what the problem is, only that you aren't alone. We've been having those exact same problems in this house recently. Actually, it hasn't happened since I got in a strop and changed the security setings on the router. We were using WPA and are now using WPA2, I think.
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Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by BigEvil »

Well, unplugging/plugging the router resets the connection. Resetting the connection fixes like 80% of wireless issues, so its no surprise that it fixes it. Why it doesn't still is the harder issue.

Now just to be thurough, are you positive that it is your connection you are using and not a neighbors?
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Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by mouse »

Now just to be thurough, are you positive that it is your connection you are using and not a neighbors?
lol! Yes, I'm sure it's mine. I gave it a name, and everything. :lol:
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin
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Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by Ghost »

I would recommend making sure that you have windows and the router drivers up to date.

Re: Need internet/laptop help, please! UPDATED

Post by peaks »

Is Windows Zero Configuration controlling your wireless connection? I passed the control to my wireless adaptor. WZC tends to behave erratically, from my experience.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu May 12, 2011 10:36 am.
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