You know what you should never do ...?

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You know what you should never do ...?

Post by Lucretia »

Read your high school newsletter.

a) You feel old.

b) You read about someone at school who was a total douche, but is a successful author and lives in New York. (He once shat on the floor in the middle of a party, but was so funny, popular, and observant, that he managed to get away with being a "legend".)

c) You read about someone the year above you who was a genius doctor who got a PhD from Cambridge and married the love of his life in the year Cupid crapped all over you, get all jealous, then realise he died of a rare form of cancer this year and feel like a dick.

So how are you anyway?
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Re: You know what you should never do ...?

Post by mgan »

Those are also key reasons to be selective in high school facebook friends.

My best of that lot is the mean girl who has gone on to marry a hockey star and now has more money than god.

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Re: You know what you should never do ...?

Post by talula »

Agreed. There's people I went to high school with that are lawyers and doctors now. I'm like, what? I am really impressed with myself if I manage to do a load of laundry once a week and have enough money to pay my cable bill.
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Re: You know what you should never do ...?

Post by Ghost »

I have high school friends that are grandparents. I'm still single with no kids.

The girl I had a huge crush on, but wouldn't give me the time of day is even better looking than she was in high school and is always going on vacation.

Facebook sucks.
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Re: You know what you should never do ...?

Post by Lucretia »

talula wrote:Agreed. There's people I went to high school with that are lawyers and doctors now. I'm like, what? I am really impressed with myself if I manage to do a load of laundry once a week and have enough money to pay my cable bill.
Absolutely. Ordering groceries online successfully is cause for celebration for me.

The only thing that does cheer me is that the first batch of previous "smug married" mean girl divorces are coming through. :twisted:
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Re: You know what you should never do ...?

Post by mouse »

It seems to me that I am the only one from my class that is not married and lives in a crappy apartment instead of a nice house. But then I remind myself that I am not a Stepford, soccer mom, and that my kid is 1000 times better than any of their kids.

Oh, and one guy from my class has recently been arrested for cyber-stalking under-age girls. Yeah. I'm definitely doing better than that guy.
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

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Re: You know what you should never do ...?

Post by amyweaver29 »

We may be top of the class in school but at work we hold lesser positions than our classmates.

Each of us leads different roles in life. Remember the poem, "Be the best of whatever you are"? We maybe a street sweeper but we are the best street sweeper in the world.

I also remember Og Mandino's line in the Greatest Salesman in the World: "...for what is success other than a state of mind. Which two, among a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words;.."

To me, do not look at the other person's lawn because you may I either think highly of yourself or see how much you lacked.

Let us be happy, however, for our friends successes in life and be grateful of what we have.

Regards and God bless,
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