Somebody should post something

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Somebody should post something

Post by talula »

And it should be me!

A few questions:

Have a baby has made me think about childhoods a lot, how peoples are different, how mine was, how my mom managed to be a single mom, work and still be my brownie troop leader. So anyway... some questions (I have no recollection of how to make a template, or how to do one here, sorry...):

What's your very first memory that you have?

What's your favorite memory from childhood?

What's one really cool thing your parent(s) did that you loved?

Any family traditions that were unique to your family?

What do you wish was different about your childhood (had more/less siblings, lived in the woods, etc)?

And, the baby's crying- gotta go!
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Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm

Re: Somebody should post something

Post by Lucretia »

What's your very first memory that you have?

Going to the circus when I was two. I described it perfectly to my mum recently and she was shocked at how clear the memory was. But there were tigers! You're going to remember that, aren't you?!

What's your favorite memory from childhood?

I'm going to be lame and say Christmas. Or getting my Peaches N Cream Barbie. for my birthday.

What's one really cool thing your parent(s) did that you loved?

They didn't spoil me. That sounds lame, but they let is be known they were always there for me, but never indulged my nonsense.

Oh, and they MADE me watch Blackadder when I was 7, saying I wouldn't regret it. I didn't.

Any family traditions that were unique to your family?

Dad made us sing "Daisy, Daisy" when the car wouldn't start. He said it helped. And my sister made up an imaginary orangutan who wore a kilt and played bagpipes in the loft.

Actually that makes us sound insane.

What do you wish was different about your childhood (had more/less siblings, lived in the woods, etc)?

Nothing at all.
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Re: Somebody should post something

Post by Pataouet »

What's your very first memory that you have?

I think it's a playmate of mine throwing a bucket at me from the jungle jim.
Split my forehead.
I was somewhere around 3 year old.

What's your favorite memory from childhood?
The games/roleplay I played with my best friends during recess when in school.
Or I don't know, just my whole childhood. I liked it then.

What's one really cool thing your parent(s) did that you loved?
They cheated when playing games as poker or pictionary or anything else.
It was frustrating as hell but hey!
They still do but we don't pair them together anymore.

Any family traditions that were unique to your family?
Err... When betting among us, the price is always our underwear.
We don't actually pay our debts but still we bet our lingerie.

What do you wish was different about your childhood (had more/less siblings, lived in the woods, etc)?
Not. A. Thing.
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Re: Somebody should post something

Post by Lucretia »

Oooh, tell us about your traditions! And the ones you're starting with Devin.
Posts: 78
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Re: Somebody should post something

Post by Techboy »

I was going to post "something", but then I realized my username is techboy, not Somebody.
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums
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Re: Somebody should post something

Post by Podgy »

What's your very first memory that you have?
Being in Montessori School around age three, thinking I was all that because I was wearing pink nail stain, and making Valentines for all the boys. Early bloomer, me.

What's your favorite memory from childhood?
We used to go for random Sunday drives in the summer after church. Loved that.

What's one really cool thing your parent(s) did that you loved?
They never let me get away with stupidity, and refused to let me play them against each other.

Any family traditions that were unique to your family?
We used to go camping with our church every Father's Day weekend before we moved away from London. The best years were the ones when we got to sleep in the chuck wagons.

What do you wish was different about your childhood (had more/less siblings, lived in the woods, etc)?
Not a single thing.
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:16 am

Re: Somebody should post something

Post by amyweaver29 »

Your questions make me think...

What's your very first memory that you have?
A puppy I stepped on scratch my leg in Kindergarten which had resulted me not finishing the course. To this day I have not gotten over my fear of dogs.

What's your favorite memory from childhood?
Running around the neighborhood with my friends, climbing trees, quarrel after every game and then friends again to play some more.

What's one really cool thing your parent(s) did that you loved?
When they told me I will decide on what to do with my life after getting pregnant. Whew, had I known, I should have gotten pregnant earlier.

Any family traditions that were unique to your family?
Not our family's but my father's.. His siblings like to quarrel after a joyful reunion, just before they go back to their separate lives. (ssshhh.. is this a tradition?!

What do you wish was different about your childhood (had more/less siblings, lived in the woods, etc)?
I wish I didn't get sick and be refrained from playing and from other school activities that are streneous.
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