Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

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Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by Julia »

JupiterAmy wrote:I find it hilarious that a person who has habitually made sexual overtures toward nearly every woman in this community wants to discuss propriety.
Yeah, what Ghost said- is this at me or him?

Whichever- I just have a couple things to say... First- now I can't wait for American Idol: CSI to come out. Each show, the person voted out last show is found bizarrely killed on the set and the rest of the Idol wannabes have to solve the mystery with plenty of morbid cgi- and all the while they still have to sing and dance. It'll be like a CSI musical with death and over-the-top siiiIIIiinnnnNNNNnnNnNNNNnnGGGG! :D

Second- Yeah I'm sure any "nudity" will be just like you said- sensationalized in the media and virtually absent in the actual film. Having read a couple of the news pieces it seems like what's actually being reported is the fact that Radcliffe is filming the scenes nude. I seriously doubt there will be even so much as half a butt cheek in the actual movie.

I'm a little more concerned about the trend Ghost mentioned- that each movie seems to grow more inappropriate for it's supposedly target audience just because of the dark themes. Seriously there were kids crying in the theater at the last one with zombies crwaling out of the lake and all. How the heck are they gonna shoot half the scenes in these last two without traumatizing kids. Just a few "problematic" scenes I can think of- George gets an ear shot off, Neville gets set on fire, Hermione gets tortured, Nagini bursts out of the body of a walking corpse, Crabbe gets burned alive and then there's the big battle. Not exactly a kid friendly movie. I expect lots of parents will be dealing with nightmares after this one.
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Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by Sarah »

Ghost wrote:I am sure the MPAA will give any male nudity an R rating
Only if it's full frontal. And I'd bet a whole lot of money that any male nudity in a Harry Potter movie would be innocuous, involving at most a bare bottom.

The books were written to grow up along with their original readers; to be at all faithful to the books, the movies have to mature. To remain "family friendly," the films would have had to stop growing up a movie or two ago.

Come to think of it, some adults are probably having trouble letting their kids read the books. Now that the series is done, a new fan can read all the installments in quick succession and thus be exposed to matter more sophisticated than some might consider appropriate.

Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by Guest »

Ghost wrote: The biggest issue I have is this, the first three movies were great kid movies. The latest three movies started getting more and more violent, with the last being very inappropriate for smaller children. I am assuming that the last two will be even darker and possibly more violent. Now add nudity and they have made the movie inappropriate for small children, even though the series was marketed as being family friendly. This is going to cause problems in families when children that were allowed to see the first movies are now not allowed to see the later ones (and I am sure the MPAA will give any male nudity an R rating). Parents that don't get the information about the movie are going to be pissed when they see the movie with their kids and find out that it is no longer 10 year olds playing at a school for magic.
Just some food for thought: let's assume that you're right, and families have seen the movies with their children, starting with the very first one. That came out in 2001 (and the book came out and was marketed even years before that). Back then, the kids would have been what, five, six years old, at least? Which will make them at least 14 when the next movie comes out. I guess what I'm trying to say is: yep, the characters have grown up. Time passed. So have everyone's kids. I think they can deal. [shrug]
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Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by JupiterAmy »

If Julia is a middle-aged man who hits on underage girls over the internet, then yes, it's for her, too. But, yeah, the problem is clearly mine. After all, milquetoast response to unacceptable behavior helped to make the WD what it is today.
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
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Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by Ghost »

Ok, what underage girls have I hit on? You sure are quick to insult people, but once someone calls you on it, your only response is to make criminal accusations.
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Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by Butterfly »

Ghost wrote:Ok, what underage girls have I hit on? You sure are quick to insult people, but once someone calls you on it, your only response is to make criminal accusations.
Don't be ridiculous.
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Re: Last Potter movies question, with spoilers.

Post by BigEvil »

If anyone here is all nudity all the time, it's probably me (and maybe BigEvil).
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