Drunk confessions u say u regret but r secretly happy about

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Drunk confessions u say u regret but r secretly happy about

Post by Julia »

First off- sorry about the 1-letter words in the title. It was the only way to fit it all in. ;)

So, just as the post title says- have you ever made a drunken "confession" that you were horribly embarrased about (or so you say) but were secretly thrilled that you'd finally got it off your chest? You know when you drunkenly...
--call your "best friend" a bitch
--let slip that someone is secretly in love with someone else (maybe you were one of these someones)
--let slip that someone secretly hates someone else (again maybe you were one of these someones)
--whisper to the bloke next to you where you hid the hooker's body
--during an intimate, up close conversation, moved in for that kiss you been dying for from someone who's completely clueless
--loudly announced that you think your [insert body part here] is awesome and then proceeded to show everyone why graphically

Or, as I like to call any and all of this at my place- tuesday. :lol: [just kidding]

But seriously, I think you get the gist of what I'm on about. All of us have things we keep secret but are dying not to anymore. And a little drunkeness with friends (and especially those people that NEED TO KNOW whatever it is) can be the perfect opportunity to let it out and have a built in excuse. Or, if it's something about you, at least a safety to fall back on if it blows up in your face. ("What?! I motorboated your boobs and tried to undress you at the bar? I must have been crazy drunk- cause I don't remember ANY of that!!" :oops: "Unless you were into it- cause I was totally serious?!" "I mean, WAY drunk!!")

You don't have to confess whatever it was here (Although that's what I and everyone else will totally hope for!), I'm just curious if it's happened to you. If so, 1)Were you actually drunk or just pretending enough so you could get away with it? and B)How did it work out? and finally, seriously, what did you confess? :D

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Re: Drunk confessions u say u regret but r secretly happy about

Post by Lucretia »

--during an intimate, up close conversation, moved in for that kiss you been dying for from someone who's completely clueless
I firmly believe this is how 99% of all hook-ups happen.
--loudly announced that you think your [insert body part here] is awesome and then proceeded to show everyone why graphically
Not at all. I am completely un-flirty.

Posts: 78
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:45 pm

Re: Drunk confessions u say u regret but r secretly happy about

Post by Techboy »

OOOO, PINK! At first, I thought Soupytwist was back. But then I saw it wasa Julia, and I thought, 'AWESOME!'
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums
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